Minister of Health and Head of BPOM Absent from the RDP, Yahya Zaini answered like this

Thursday, May 20, 2021 – 3:41 p.m. WIB

Health Minister and BPOM chief absent from RDP Yahya Zaini responds to this -

Minister of Health Budi Gunawan. Photo: Antara

medialnews, JAKARTA – Health Minister Budi Gunadi Sadikin and BPOM Chief Penny K Lukito did not attend Hearing (RDP) with House of Representatives Committee IX (DPR) at Parliament Complex, Jakarta on Thursday (20/5).

Commission IX is due to organize a PDR on Thursday with the Ministry of Health, BPOM, KIPI and PT Biofarma, one of which will discuss the progress of vaccination.

Member of Commission IX of the House of Representatives Yahya Zaini strongly criticized the absence of Budi Gunadi with Penny in the RDP.

He said the lack of leadership in the health ministry and BPOM was a bad constitutional tradition.

“It is a bad experience and a bad experience for constitutional life,” Yahya said on Thursday.

The Golkar party faction lawmaker admitted he had heard the reasons for the absence of Health Minister Budi and Penny from the RDP.

However, Yahya found it strange that the two characters were not present at the RDP.

He also suggested that the Chairman of Commission IX write to the leaders of the DPR.


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