Minister Jokowi’s decisive strike for father and child, SBY and AHY

© medialnews. Minister Jokowi’s decisive strike for father and child, Yes SBY and Mas AHY, Great Abis!

Law and Human Rights Minister Yasonna Laoly called on Democratic Party Chairman Agus Harimurti Yudhoyono (AHY) and his father, Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono (SBY), not to accuse the government of not being objective in the face of the tragedy that occurred in the party bearing the symbol of Mercy.

“Please Pak SBY and AHY, don’t accuse the government like that, the government is like that. We are objective. Don’t play baseless attacks, ”he told parliament in Jakarta on Tuesday (9/3).

He continued, he considered that the problem was still an internal party of the party. The reason is that, so far, no one has submitted a dossier related to the results of the KLB Democrats.

“Currently, we still see that the problem is still an internal democratic problem. Because the group that we said to be KLB had not yet submitted any files to us, ”he continued.

Strictly speaking, he said his party will work professionally and in accordance with applicable laws. Also Read: The moment SBY inaugurated Moeldoko as TNI commander in 2013, 8 years later Moel vs.

The palace responded.

The government is responding to the Democratic Party’s epidemic issue through Minister for the Coordination of Political, Legal and Security Affairs (Menko Polhukam) Mahfud MD.

“In the case of the KLB or the Democratic Party’s claim to Deli Serdang, the government will settle it on the basis of the law,” he told reporters on Monday (08/03/2021).

However, he stressed that the government had not taken a decision in this regard.

“What is the law based on?” that is, after there has been a report of an epidemic so far, the government has not considered it, at least legally, there is an epidemic or not ” , he added.

He continued, it was clear that the Sibolangit KLB existed and had taken place. However, legally it cannot be recognized because it has not been reported.

“It will be dealt with legally by the government when it is reported by the organizers.”

“For the government to get a report, oh there are two KLBs,” he said.

In addition, the executive director of the Voxpol Center Research and Consulting, Pangi Syarwi Chaniago, called on the Ministry of Law and Human Rights to fairly resolve the democratic conflict. Do not give the impression that the government is meddling in the internal affairs of the party.

“If the government steps in, our democracy will get sicker,” Pangi said last night. However, referring to several earlier cases of party dualism, Pangi predicts that the Ministry of Law and Human Rights will validate the KLB in Deli Serdang.

Meanwhile, legal observer Abdul Fickar Hadjar predicts the conflict among Democrats will be long. The dispute was not resolved until after the Ministry of Law and Human Rights determined who the legal department was. He said the conflict will continue in the area of ​​law, namely the tribunal

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