May 1, 2021, Jokowi: workers are the nation’s great asset: National Okezone

JAKARTA – President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) also marked International Labor Day 2021 or Help which is commemorated every May 1st. According to the head of state, the workforce is a major asset for the Indonesian nation because it is capable of running the economy.

Jokowi said that International Labor Day is not only celebrated to commemorate momentum, but also to respect the hard work and perseverance of the workers who have led the economy and the business world.

“International Labor Day is not only celebrated to commemorate a moment from the past, but we pay tribute to the hard work and perseverance of workers who make the economy and the business world go round,” he said via the Twitter account @jokowi, quoted Saturday (1 / 5/2021).

“Workers are a great asset of our nation,” Jokowi added.

Jokowi’s tweet was immediately responded to by a netizen with the account name @L **** Kurniawan. He asked the head of state to provide information if there was work he could do.

“Twitter, do your magic!” Assalamualaikum excuse me sir @jokowi. Right now, I really need a halal job, to be able to meet the needs of my wife and three children at home. Please help me if there is work for me, ”@L **** Kurniawan tweeted.

Read also: May Day, Mahfud MD hopes that there is a harmonious relationship between workers, government and contractors

As we know, the union elements members of KSPI will organize demonstrations to commemorate May 1, 2021. This action involves 50,000 workers in 24 provinces, 200 districts / cities and in three thousand factories. The demonstration will follow the direction of the authorities and will follow the Covid-19 preventive health protocol.

Read also: May 1, police prepare to divert traffic around Monas


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