Mark Sungkar becomes prisoner of the city, Zaskia and Shireen become guarantors

medialnews – The Jakarta Central District Court finally granted lead actor Mark Sungkar’s request to become a prisoner of the city. Now the father of artists Zaskia and Shireen Sungkar is officially a prisoner of the city. The 72 actor admitted he was grateful his request was granted by the jury.

“Yes, be grateful because at the same time I thank all high-ranking friends and neighbors, wives and all my families who pray to ease my burden so that I am no longer being held in external custody,” said Mark Sungkar of the prosecutor. . General Wednesday’s detention center (5/5/2021).

“Alhamdulilah, thank you. I hope Allah will answer. And I apologize if something is wrong, my words were not right so far. In the holy month, I physically apologize and spiritually. Alhamdulillah what is important now is that I can go home. I can shake hands, hug the wife of grandchildren, “he added.

1. Guaranteed Shireen and Zaskia

Chief of the Attorney General’s Legal Information Center Leonard Eben Ezer Simanjuntak said several considerations made Mark Sungkar a prisoner of the city, one of whom was his two children, Shireen Sungkar and Zaskia Sungkar as a surety .

“The consideration of the judges of the Corruption Court at the Central District Court of Jakarta is based on a request from the legal counsel team of the defendant Mark Sungkar. Then there is a guarantee of the two children of the defendant,” said Leonard Eben Ezer Simanjuntak.

“Yes, I only have two daughters, Shireen and Zaskia,” continued Mark Sungkar.

2. No escape

In addition, Mark Sungkar was also asked to always cooperate to attend the next trial. This is the content of several requests from lawyers and children of Mark Sungkar.

“In addition, the defendant will not run away, destroy the evidence or repeat the act, will always be cooperative, and is ready to attend every trial in the Jakarta Central District Court and will be present in the courts. competent agencies if necessary. It is a request for a guarantee from the legal adviser and the two children of the defendant, ”he said.

After leaving the Attorney General’s detention center, Mark Sungkar was unaccompanied by his two children, Zaskia Sungkar and Shireen Sungkar. He was only accompanied by his beloved wife, Santi Asoka Mala. Mark admitted that he deliberately asked his two children not to come and pick him up.

“Indeed, I forbid (Shireen and Zaskia to come). So the woman who answers,” closed Mark, “concluded Mark Sungkar.

This one does not lose heat !!!

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