MAKI: Azis Syamsuddin shouldn’t be afraid if I’m right

Boyamin appealed to Azis Syamsuddin to fulfill the KPK summons.

medialnews, JAKARTA – Anti-Corruption Society (MAKI) Coordinator Boyamin Saiman called on Azis Syamsuddin to complete the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) convocation. The vice-president of the DPR RI was initially to be summoned by the KPK as a witness regarding the alleged corruption of investigator Stepanus Robin Pattuju.

“Pak Azis Syamsuddin does not need to be afraid if he is not guilty and later explain everything with all the arguments, data and evidence that he is not involved in these cases,” said Boyamin said in Jakarta on Monday (24/5).

He said the arrival of the politician from Golkar to complete the KPK’s summons for questioning would go a long way in shedding light on the case being handled by the anti-corruption agency. He continued, fulfilling the summons could also prove that he was not involved in bribery.

According to him, Azis Syamsuddin does not need to be afraid to fulfill the convocation of the KPK. He asked Azis Syamsuddin to set an example for the community given his position as an honorable representative of the people.

“So have no fear, how come there were many who were acquitted or BLBI yesterday at SP3 or whose witnesses were still witnesses. But the main thing is to help the forces of order to solve cases is Azis Syamsuddin’s job, ”he said.

Previously, Azis Syamsuddin was summoned by the KPK on Friday (7/5). However, the Golkar party politician was unable to heed the call of the anti-corruption institution. Azis admitted that he could not complete the summons as there were still activities to be carried out.

KPK chairman Firli Bahuri had previously confirmed that he would recall Azis Syamsuddin. The vice-president of the DPR RI will be questioned on the corruption affair which arrested one of the KPK investigators, Stepanus Robin Pattuju (SRP).

“In order to investigate corruption cases, investigators will of course call back the American brothers,” KPK president Firli Bahuri (20/5) said on Wednesday.

Firli said that currently, the process of investigating cases of alleged receipt of gifts or promises by law enforcement officials or state officials suspected of being led by the PRS and of other suspects continues. He continued, the KPK is still conducting pre-witness interviews and gathering evidence.

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