Lawmakers back police for acting against anyone implicated in terrorism

PKB lawmakers said the arrest of Munarman by the Densus was shocking.

medialnews, JAKARTA – Luqman Hakim, member of the National Awakening Party (PKB) faction of the DPR, said that the arrest of Munarman by Special Detachment 88 Anti-Terrorism was quite surprising. According to him, this shows that networks of radicalism and terrorism can infiltrate everywhere and have infiltrated it.

Luqman said Munarman was a public figure who had been active in YLBHI as well as a member of the Munir case investigation team. “It turns out that he is strongly suspected of being a figure driving the terrorist network in the country,” Luqman said.

He continued, if proven, then Munarman’s involvement in the terrorist network is a disturbing phenomenon. According to him, this shows that the network of radicalism and terrorism has infiltrated everywhere.

“Of course, this is worrying. Therefore, I have seen that since news of Munarman’s arrest by Densus 88 spread yesterday afternoon, the positive response, appreciation and support from audiences at Densus 88 were overwhelmingly enthusiastic, ”said Luqman.

Even so, Luqman believes the Police Anti-Terrorism Densus 88 is working professionally. Anyone suspected of being involved in a criminal act of terrorism is treated. “The arrest of Densus 88 Antitetor Polri against the suspected terrorist Munarman is proof that the police are not selective in eradicating criminal acts of terrorism,” he said.

Luqman Hakim considered that the position of the national police was in accordance with the statutory order. “At all times, the national police may not be selective. Anyone involved in a criminal act of terrorism must be treated firmly,” he said.

He stressed that terrorism is an extraordinary crime. Terrorism destroys the peace and order of society. Therefore, Luqman believes the Densus must deal with anyone suspected of being involved in terrorism. Of course, based on sufficient initial evidence.

“Densus 88 Anti-Terror Polri has been proven to act professionally, decisively and without discrimination in the fight against terrorist crimes in the country,” Luqman said.

Luqman added, due to the increasingly sophisticated technology used by the terrorist network, the active role of the community, especially in immediately reporting any activity or suspected part in the surrounding environment, would greatly assist the police.

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