Kuansing Police Unauthorized Gold Miners Arrested

Illegal gold miners in Kuansing were arrested by police on Wednesday (5/5/21). Photo: medialnews / HO-Polda Riau

medialnews, PEKANBARU – No less than 11 perpetrators of unauthorized gold mining in Marsawa village, Sentajo Raya sub-district, Kuantan Singingi regency, were arrested by Riau joint police on Wednesday (5/5/2021 ).

Riau Police Reskrimum Director Kombes Pol Teddy Ristiawan said the eleven illegal miners were operating near the oil palm plantation area owned by PT Citra Plasma.

The eleven arrested suspects were SK, DP, NG, FZ, SW, SL, KH, SR, SG, WD and KD with evidence including 30 sets of gold mining machines, 25 units of two-wheeled vehicles, 20 pipes, 20 tents. field, 6 vacuum machines, mercury and a number of other equipment.

So far, Riau police officers under the command of Kasubdit III AKBP Muharman Arta are still on the ground collecting evidence and looking for other perpetrators.

Regarding the next action, Teddy Ristiawan said his party was still coordinating the transfer of the case to the Kuantan Singingi (Kuansing) police investigator.

“We will delegate the handling of this case to the Kuansing police, but we are still providing assistance to the regional police,” added the 1998 Police Academy graduate.

The authors will be charged under article 161 of Law of the Republic of Indonesia no. 3 of 2020 concerning the extraction of minerals and coal with a maximum penalty of five years with a fine of IDR 100 billion.

Unauthorized gold mining activities in the Kuantan Singingi regency have taken place in several locations and have reportedly been ongoing for 10 years.

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