KKP ready to discipline floating net cages in Lake Toba

The control is carried out to preserve the volcanic lake from pollution

medialnews, JAKARTA – The Ministry of Marine Affairs and Fisheries (KKP) stands ready to work with local government (Pemda) to curb floating net cages (KJA) in Lake Toba, north Sumatra . This control action is carried out to preserve the volcanic lake from pollution.

This was conveyed by the Minister of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries Sakti Wahyu Trenggono during a coordination meeting relating to the control of the KJA over Lake Toba led by the Minister of Coordination of Maritime Affairs and Investment Luhut Binsar Pandjaitan practically Tuesday (20/4).

“The KKP is ready to support the local government for the implementation of the action plan for controlling or structuring the marine cage of Lake Toba. We will work together, in synergy with the local government,” said Trenggono.

Trenggono indicated that the KKP would support the regional government in preparing the goal of the KJA Water Management Action Plan for Lake Toba per year, controlling the KJA units that are not operational and those operating in districts not referenced for presidential regulation (Perpres) Number 81 of 2014, including Balige, testimony of Parm, Ajibata, Brand, Simanindo, Harian, Onan Runggu, Nainggolan, Girsang Sipangan Bolon, Pematang Sidamanik, Baktiraja and Muara , as well as the organization of KJA on KJA commercial sites according to technical recommendations and according to sustainable production limits per KJA commercial site.

In this regard, there are a number of scenarios for the organization of the marine marine cage in Lake Toba that Trenggono transported to Luhut, including the number of existing marine cages in 2020 up to 13,160 sea cages, where the target number of marine post-order marine cage companies in 2021 are reduced to 9,876 marine cages with a total fish production of 28,132.01 tons, until 2022, KJA’s maximum fish production target is 10,000 tons. Trenggono believed that this would be largely determined by the cooperation of the local government.

“One of the important things that must be taken into account by the government and all related parties is the development of alternative livelihoods for the local communities which are affected by the control of the lake Toba sea cage,” said Trenggono.

The Ministry of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries, he said, has offered a number of alternatives, including growing fish with the biofloc system, minapadi and ornamental fish, as well as independent manufacturing companies. food and fish processing.

Regarding financing, Trenggono pointed out that the KKP will help these alternative businesses by using access to finance for business credit or equity loans through the Public Service Agency for Capital Management of marine and fishing companies (BLU LPMUKP) owned by KKP.

“We can access funding through KUR or BLU LPMUKP capital loans in KKP. Regarding our proposal, we need help, we are ready to oversee the transfer from KJA to the culture we mentioned. earlier, like fish farming with a biofloc system, minapadi, or ornamental fish, ”Trenggono said.

Coordinating Minister Luhut said all parties should work together to implement the action plan to control the Lake Toba sea cage according to the schedule that has been prepared.

“The structuring action plan has been well prepared, according to the schedule that has been established, and needs to be reviewed by the respective ministries / institutions and local governments concerned,” Luhut said.

Luhut hopes that the Ministry of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries will begin to socialize the control plan and initiate the development of alternative livelihoods for the community by the end of April, in collaboration with the district government and the provincial government. from North Sumatra.

“Especially for the KKP, in order to convey the transfer of the means of subsistence of the workers of the KJA who are affected by this control, and to issue a ministerial decree concerning the allocation of the number of KJAs that can operate in 7 districts of the region of lake Toba, ”says Luhut.

Luhut called on all parties to work together to complete this work. He recalled that if there are companies or parties that violate and damage the environment, they must be immediately executed. This environmental issue must be a common concern.

“For environmental sustainability, you shouldn’t be playing games. The capacity of Lake Toba has its limits. If there are companies that violate, they must be prosecuted, because they damage the environment. We should not hesitate for things like this. No compromise is possible. authorized with regard to the environment, ”said Luhut.

At the virtual coordination meeting, a number of officials were present, including the Deputy Governor of North Sumatra, the Head of the High Prosecutor’s Office of North Sumatra, the Head of BKPM, the Head of LAPAN, as well as ‘a number of regents from North Sumatra. Province.

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