Kemenparekraf calls on people to obey ban on returning home – Tourism Business News Portal

JAKARTA, The Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy / Tourism and Economy Council hopes and calls on the public to comply with the ban on returning home in an effort to suppress the transmission of COVID-19 and support the vaccination program so that group immunity is achieved. that the tourism sector will recover and rebound

Menparekraf Sandiaga Uno in his statement in Jakarta on Wednesday (04/07/2021) explained that to anticipate the impact felt by tourism actors, efforts and adaptation measures are needed to create group immunity so that the tourism sector is recovering and rebounding.

“This no-go-home Eid policy will give us the certainty of dealing with COVID-19 and accelerate economic recovery. For those who cannot return home because of this ban, they can take this moment to support the country’s creative economy sector, ”he said.

Sandiaga Uno encourages people to stay in touch by using technology and empowering the products of the creative economy. It therefore also encourages young people to be creative, to adapt to technology and to produce creative work.

“I also urge the public to take advantage of technology when in contact with their loved ones, as an alternative as they cannot return home to Lebaran. You can also buy local creative products in the form of Eid delivery which are sent through digital platforms. So our ecraf players also get positive benefits, ”he said.

In addition, the Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy, in collaboration with the Ministry of Health, continues to strive to give tourism and creative economy actors the right to be vaccinated as a form support for the revival of the tourism sector and the creative economy.

“We hope that the parekraf perpetrators can be vaccinated before June 2021. In Bali, for example, until April 7, a total of 163,901 parekraf actors have been vaccinated. However, as important as vaccination, tourism and creative economy actors must also apply health protocols. Cleanliness, health, safety and environmental sustainability (CHSE), ”he said.

In addition, to accelerate the recovery of the parekraf sector, there are currently 5,863 CHSE certified tourism enterprises in 34 provinces and 357 districts / cities. The Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy is committed to supporting tourism and creative economy players within the framework of CHSE certification in order to strengthen public confidence in this sector.

“With the existence of good cooperation between the different parties, the recovery of the tourism sector and the creative economy in Indonesia can go faster. For example, in Bali, 976 tourism companies have received CHSE certification, comprising 528 hotels, 178 restaurants, 215 tourist accommodation, 1 rafting operator, 11 dive operators and 2 golf courses, ”said Menparekraf Sandiaga Uno.

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