Kabinda Papua Brigadier General TNI I Gusti shot dead by KKB, here is Christina Aryani’s response

Member of the I DPR RI commission of the Golkar Christina Aryani party faction. Photo: PR of DPR RI

medialnews, JAKARTA – Member of Commission I DPR RI Christina Aryani responded to the action of the KKB which fired on the head of the regional BIN (Kabinda) Papua Brigadier General TNI I Gusti Putu Danny Nugraha in Beoga, Puncak Regency, province of Papua.

“We offer our condolences for the death of Kabinda Papua while in office in Beoga, Papua,” Christina Aryani said in a press release on Monday (4/26).

Christina also expressed her deep sympathy to the large family of the Indonesian military and in particular to the State Intelligence Agency (BIN) and the families of the deceased who had lost loved ones.

“Of course, for his services, the form of respect and appreciation deserves to be given by the state,” Christina said.

According to Christina, this case is a serious warning to the government that the situation in Papua in recent days cannot be taken for granted. The escalation of violence, which has escalated with the loss of civilian casualties as well as civil servants and civil servants, must be a serious alarm in order to provide a measured response and intervention.

“The Minister for the Coordination of Political, Legal and Security Affairs in this case must take prudent and measured measures to react immediately to the situation and the existing conditions,” said party politician Golkar.

Christina said the TNI’s steps in awarding Papua must be supported with a very high level of vigilance. We do not want more victims to fall in the future, both from civil society and from our apparatus.

<< Commission I of the House of Representatives of the Republic of Indonesia believes that it is necessary to immediately hold a limited meeting with the relevant partners to conduct an assessment of the security measures that have been taken in Papua so that this problem does not go on forever and prevent more victims, ”said Christina Aryani.(fri / jpnn)

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