Jokowi warns KPK leaders, don’t change employee status to harm

Monday May 17, 2021 – 5:48 PM WIB

Jokowi warns KPK leaders, don't change employee status to harm -

President Joko Widodo. Photo: Ricardo /

medialnews, JAKARTA – President Joko Widodo aka Jokowi has dismissed 75 employees of the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) who failed the National Insight Test (TWK) to be invalid.

According to him, the KPK leadership should have referred to the decision of the Constitutional Court (MK) concerning the fate of the employees of the anti-corruption commission.

Jokowi approves the Constitutional Court’s review of judicial review of Law No. 19 of 2019 concerning the Second Amendment to the KPK Law.

President Jokowi hopes for the transfer of the status of KPK employees in accordance with the decision.

“Those who say that the process of changing the status of KPK employees to ASN must not infringe the right of KPK employees to be appointed ASN,” he said in his statement on Monday (5/17 ).

Jokowi asked related parties, especially the KPK leadership, Minister of State Apparatus Empowerment and Bureaucratic Reform Tjahjo Kumolo and the head of the Bima State Civil Service Agency Haria Wibisana to rethink the transfer of the status of KPK employees to ASN.

“Design a follow-up for 75 KPK employees who were declared not to have passed the test with the principles as I said earlier,” Jokowi explained.

According to Jokowi, TWK’s results for KPK employees should be captured for steps to improve the anti-transplant institution. Both for individuals and for KPK institutions.


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