Jakarta Provincial Government Opens Tourist Attractions During Eid Holiday, Here Is Gilbert Company Response

Wednesday May 12, 2021 – 12:45 PM WIB

Jakarta Provincial Government Opens Tourist Attractions During Eid Holiday, Here Is Gilbert's Decisive Response - JPNN.com

Officers spray disinfectant at Ragunan Wildlife Park (TMR) in South Jakarta. Photo: Ricardo / JPNN.com

medialnews, JAKARTA – The provincial government of DKI Jakarta has decided to continue opening tourist attractions during the Eid Al-Fitr holiday 2021.

This decision is contained in a circular signed by the acting head of the Tourist Office Gumilar Ekalaya on May 7, 2021.

However, reception capacity is only 50% during the 2021 return ban.

In response to this, Gilbert Simanjuntak, member of the DKI Jakarta DPRD, felt that the decision was correct and firm. This is because the government continues to limit the number of visitors.

“I think the government has been strict enough to limit visitors,” Gilbert said when contacted by medialnews on Wednesday (12/5).

According to him, this decision is indeed difficult for the DKI provincial government in Jakarta to take. However, Gilbert suggested the government should work hard to curb the rise in the number of positive Covid-19 cases after the Eid holiday.

“Tourist attractions are allowed to open. As expected by the provincial government, as long as they are inside, visitors should be supervised, ”Gilbert said.

Reflecting on the Tanah Abang mob case, the PDIP politician suggested that the government should collect data at the entrance to tourist attractions so that the number of visitors can be monitored.


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