Israel fights Hamas, associated press office and Al Jazeera in Gaza destroyed

Sunday May 16, 2021 – 2:33 p.m. WIB

Israel fights Hamas, associated press office and Al Jazeera in Gaza destroyed -

The al-Jalaa building, where the Associated Press (AP) and Al Jazeera media offices are located, was hit by Israeli airstrikes in Gaza City on Saturday (5/15/2021). Photo: BETWEEN PHOTOS / REUTERS / Ashraf Abu Amrah / rwa.

medialnews, JERUSALEM – Israel destroyed a 12-story building in Gaza that is the media office of the Associated Press and Al Jazeera on Saturday (5/15).

Israel attacked the Al Jalaa building because they believed the building was also used by the Islamist group Hamas.

The attack was carried out after an early warning to allow civilians to exit the building.

Associated Press CEO Gary Pruitt said a number of journalists and freelancers in the building could be evacuated in time.

“We are shocked that the Israeli military has targeted and destroyed the building that houses the offices of the Associated Press office and other news media in Gaza,” Pruitt said.

The US government has called on Israel to ensure the safety of journalists.

“We have communicated directly with Israel to ensure the safety and security of journalists and independent media,” said Jen Psaki, White House press secretary.

Then the US Secretary of State also showed his support for Pruitt and other independent media.


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