IR arrested by police, SL and MF lured with 10 million rupees

Saturday April 17, 2021 – 4:42 PM WIB

IR arrested by police, SL and MF lured with IDR 10million -

Medan’s Deputy Police Chief AKBP Irsan Sinuhaji questioned the suspects when they exposed the case at Patumbak police headquarters on Saturday. (medialnews / HO)

medialnews, MEDAN – Police have blocked the circulation of 40 kilograms of dry marijuana from three suspects who were arrested in the Sunggal sub-district, Deli Serdang Regency, north Sumatra.

Medan Deputy Police Chief AKBP Irsan Sinuhaji said the circulation of dried marijuana was successfully thwarted by Patumbak police.

“40 kilograms of cannabis come from Mandailing Natal Regency,” Irsan told police headquarters in Patumbak on Saturday (17/4).

Meanwhile, the three arrested suspects bore the initials IR (39), SL (29) and MF (28) respectively.

The arrests of the three suspects came from public information about drug trafficking in the Deli Serdang Regency area.

Police then infiltrated and managed to get the suspicious IR and evidence of 40 kilograms of dry marijuana.

“The IR suspect admitted that the marijuana belonged to SL and MF,” AKBP Irsan said.

Then the officer asked the suspect IR to contact SL and MF with the lure of 10 million rupees to come to his residence.

“Both SL and MF suspects believed and came to the IR suspect’s home. The police then secured them both,” Irsan said.

For their actions, the three suspects were subjected to Law No. 35 of 2009 with the threat of 20 years in prison. (enter / jpnn)

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