Inspection constrained by COVID-19 during BPPBJ chief’s examination

Jakarta (medialnews) – The DKI Jakarta Regional Civil Service Agency (BKD) said the Inspectorate was plagued by COVID-19 while reviewing cases of alleged sexual harassment by the head of the Human Resources Management Agency. Jakarta Goods / Services Purchases (BPPBJ).

Head of the Regional Personnel Agency of DKI Jakarta (BKD), Maria Qibtya said that the inspector who examined the head of the BPPBJ
is known to be exposed to COVID-19, so he was unable to provide the test results.

“The inspector is COVID-19 again. If there is a verdict he will certainly be informed, so far it is still pending,” Maria said in Jakarta on Wednesday.

Maria said the BPPBJ chief inspector had been exposed to COVID-19 and had started not entering the office since last Monday (4/19).

If there is a decision, Maria immediately provides information about the sexual harassment case.

He said the review process had not been delayed and was continuing, and later the results of the review would be forwarded directly to DKI Jakarta Governor Anies Baswedan.

Then, Anies will decide on the results of the exam. “(Sanctions) What will be given, later BKD will deal with the SK (decree), so far we are waiting for it,” he said.

Also read: Anies confirmed the deactivation of the BPPBJ chief due to an allegation of harassment
Also Read: DKI Ensures BPPBJ Chief’s Case Will Not Interfere With Government Performance

Maria said that if it is decided that there will be a transfer or dismissal sanction, the head of the BPPBJ will be replaced according to the existing mechanism.

“Step two, so it could be between the existing SKPD or it could go through open selection, that’s the mechanism,” said Maria.

However, so far there has been no opportunity for the post of BPPBJ DKI Jakarta as there has been no decision regarding the sexual harassment case.

Earlier, Anies said DKI Jakarta BPPBJ leader Blessmiyanda was released due to reports of two suspected cases, namely sexual harassment and infidelity.

Anies vowed to take firm action against Blessmiyanda and those who tried to cover up the case if the report turned out to be true.

“If during the examination it turns out that there has been a violation, then the party complained of and all those who conceal the facts during the examination process will be subject to strict sanctions in accordance with the regulations in force”, said Anies, Monday).

Blessmiyanda was released from the leader of BPPBJ DKI Jakarta and replaced by Sigit Wijatmiko as the interim leader (Plt) leader of BPPBJ DKI Jakarta.

Blessmiyanda has denied being released on the grounds of sexual harassment. According to Blessmiyanda, he was slandered because of his strategic position at the head of BPPBJ DKI Jakarta.

“I am threatened every day to become the leader of the BPPBJ. I am used to it, so there is no problem,” Blessmiyanda said.

Journalist: Ricky Prayoga
Editor: Sri Muryono

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