Indramayu local government intends to use assets of official Tajir Rohadi as Covid-19 hospital

Report by reporter Rizki Sandi Saputra

medialnews, JAKARTA – The public prosecutor (JPU) in the follow-up trial, the defendant Rohadi, said that there was a request from the regional government of Indramayu to use the assets of the defendant, in this case the hospital, as treatment facility for Covid-19 patients in the surface.

The Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) prosecutor said the request was discovered after his party received a copy of a letter from the regional secretary (Sekda) of the Indramayu regency.

In the letter, the Indramayu regional government requested that Rohadi’s assets, namely a hospital called Raisan Hospital, be used as a facility for treating Covid-19 patients in Indramayu.

Also read: The six witnesses presented by the prosecutor said they had never known Rohadi the official Tajir

“The KPK has been sent to the Prosecution Directorate to receive a letter from the regional secretary of the Indramayu regency which essentially requests that the assets on behalf of the Raisan hospital be used for the treatment of Covid-19 patients”, the prosecutor said in the courtroom on Monday (12/04/2021).

The prosecutor continued that the Indramayu regional government said in the letter that it badly needs additional health services for patients with Covid-19.

However, what the prosecutor said was that the hospital was no longer operational, as it had been confiscated by the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) and became one of the evidence in the case of the defendant Rohadi.

“Raisan’s hospital after the confiscation was not in operational condition, because it was a new hospital, which had already been confiscated before the operation, so it is still blocked,” said the prosecutor.

Also read: Session of official Tajir Rohadi, witness claims to pay IDR 350 million to manage PK: case lost, money not returned

Further, the prosecutor said, the point in the copy of the letter his party received from the KPK leadership was that the Indramayu regional government was in dire need of a special hospital for Covid-19 patients.

This has been said, so that Covid-19 patients do not mix in the same treatment room with other patients with disease.

Also read: Session of official Tajir Rohadi, witness claims to pay IDR 350 million to manage PK: case lost, money not returned

“The government of the Indramayu regency needs a hospital to treat Covid-19 patients, so that they are not mixed with other public patients in the letter,” he said.

In response to this, the panel of judges from the Jakarta Central District Court said they would first understand the contents of the letter while waiting for the original letter to reach the panel of judges.

Because the prosecutor said the Indramayu regional government sent the original letter to the college of judges, but the parties involved said they did not receive it.

“We obey everything like that, there must be a hospital there but maybe it won’t come back until we have written, well, we will study it later, officially waiting. the letter, “said the College of Judges.

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