Indonesian Raya Movement echoes start of national awakening

Sri Sultan Hamengku Buwono X and Gusti Kanjeng Ratu Hemas with a number of national activists through circles to socialize Indonesia Raya Bergema

YOGYAKARTA, “The love for the country and the attitude of defense of the country are important to be encouraged as an effort to maintain the integrity of the unitary state of the Republic of Indonesia which is based on Pancasila,” said today hui the press release of YOU INDONESIA.

Therefore, a lasting awareness campaign is needed so that the fire of the nationalist spirit continues to burn in the chest of every citizen. One of the demonstrations is to encourage the Indonesian movement Raya Bergema.Namely, singing the national anthem of Indonesia Raya continuously every day in public spaces.

This was triggered during the breaking of the fast with Sri Sultan Hamengku Buwono X and Gusti Kanjeng Ratu Hemas with a number of cross-cutting national activists who are members of the Yogya People’s Forum for Indonesia (FOR YOU INDONESIA) Friday April 16 2021 in Kraton Kilen Yogyakarta.

FOR YOU INDONESIA President Subkhi Ridho said the concept of the Indonesian movement Raya Bergema is simple, but contains very basic meanings. Namely playing the national anthem of Indonesia Raya continuously every day.

The national anthem resonates in government offices, private offices, schools, markets, malls and other places where it is possible at a predetermined time. When it is heard, the public is invited to stop its activities to stand perfectly upright.

“Indonesia Raya Bergema is a real movement, simple, easy, free, and it is a massive and simultaneous education on the spirit of nationalism. People’s daily activities will only be interrupted for two minutes to be perfect when they hear our national anthem. However, even if it is two minutes, if it is done every day, it will strengthen the attitude of loving the country, ”said Subkhi Ridho.

According to this young activist of Muhammadiyah, the Indonesian movement Raya Bergema has two important objectives. First, as a form of declaration of the meaning of nationality, in accordance with Law No. 24 of 2009 concerning the flag, language and symbol of the state, as well as the national anthem.

“The second is a movement to cultivate solidarity, unity in love of the country and an attitude of defense of the country. G.This national movement initiated from Yogyakarta for Indonesia will coincide with the momentum of the National Awakening Day on May 20, 2021. We hope that Ngarso Dalem Sri Sultan Hamengkubuwono X will be ready to do so, ”said Ridho.

FOR YOU INDONESIA is a forum for cross-cutting national activists. Among the activists are the regional secretary of the GP. Ansor DIY Hasan Syaifulloh, President of the Center for Pancasila Studies at UPN Yogyakarta Lestanta Budiman, Founder of the Garuda Rumah Nanang Museum Rahmat Hidayat, Activist Kawruh Jiwa Ki Prasetyo Atmosutidjo, Activist of Barisan Nasionalist Pancasila Bhayu Malam Alliance Nana Je.

There is also the president of the Kawula Mataram Association, Bimo Subandi, director of ketoprak Nano Asmorodono, coordinator of the Special Secretariat of DIY Widihasto Wasana Putra, speaker at APMD Tri Agus Siswowiharjo, artistic worker Eko Bebek, Seko Sekah Anak Alam teacher Budi Gemak, activist of Tirta Kelapa Art Space Riko Dwisetyanto, artist Pambudi Sulistyo.

Other activists are the Indonesian Association of Hindu Youth Peradah DIY Ketut, National Association for Confidence and Culture PKBN activist Kris Triwanto, young activist Nono Karsono, former Indonesian student camp Pancasila and a number of other young activists.

Sri Sultan Hamengkubuwono X invited the community initiative to promote nationalism through the Indonesian Raya Bergema movement.

The Sultan advised the movement to consider the situation and conditions on the ground because, according to the law, when the national anthem is played, the audience is required to stand perfectly.

“The target should therefore be achieved in possible places such as schools or educational institutions, government agencies, private offices, shopping malls or other possible places.”

Don’t do it on the highway. Of course, it is impossible for someone driving to stop and get out of the vehicle. It doesn’t have to be like that, ordered the Sultan.

The Sultan also explained his various experiences and opinions on national life. For the sultan, he himself, as head of the region, has an obligation to promote and cultivate the political conscience of the people of the nation.

In addition to being bound by the National Pancasila Consensus, the plurality of society is also governed by various laws and regulations. The sultan gave an example. Once upon a time there was an act of intolerance towards a small group of people.

The author admitted that he did so on the grounds that the majority agreed as a form of local wisdom. For the Sultan, the problem is not a question of local wisdom, nor a problem of majority or minority.

Whatever the reason, it is always prohibited for anyone, individual or group, to enter into an agreement contrary to the provisions of the applicable laws. For him, it is a question of principle and there is no bargaining.

“To avoid recurring similar incidents, you need an attitude of tolerance tepo seliro, respect and respect and dialogue based on the goodwill and honesty of all parties.

A sense of divinity, a sense of humanity and a sense of justice should always be emphasized. We can be flexible and flexible in our dynamics with each other, but we still have to be firm in principle, ”explained the Sultan.

Apart from this, the Sultan stressed the importance of formulating the ideological education of Pancasila in stages. The material or curriculum is adjusted according to the level of early childhood education, from basic to higher education.

“For the student level, ideally, it is no longer education but the stage of applying the values ​​of Pancasila,” Sultan said.

Jakarta National Unity and Diversity Alliance activist Nia Syaifudin appreciated Indonesia’s idea Raya Bergema. According to him, from the era of the Revolution of Independence to the current social movements that have emerged from Yogyakarta have always been national inspirations.

He admits that he is grateful that Yogyakarta has the Sultan and Ratu Hemas as national figures with integrity and the people of Yogyakarta who are always eager to become the shield of the Republic of Indonesia.

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