Indonesia triathlon series set to be held in March this year

Indonesiaiamagz – Located on Tanjung Tinggi Beach or better known as Laskar Pelangi Beach, in Belitung, Minister of Tourism and Creative Economy / Head of Tourism and Creative Economy Agency, Sandiaga Salahuddin Uno said the Indonesia Triathlon Series event will be ready to go this year.

While carrying a yellow bicycle, Sandiaga Uno met the media team on the beach where the movie Laskar Pelangi was filmed. The presence of the former Deputy Governor of DKI Jakarta in Belitung is part of a series of working visits to conduct triathlon events and see preparations.

“I think the race for the Indonesia Triathlon Series is getting ready. Hopefully all goes well to generate tourism. By saying Bismillah, I confirm the availability of the Belitung region, to host the Indonesian Triathlon Series 2021 on March 13, 2021, ”he said during the Midway Test Triathlon on Saturday (6/2 / 2021).

Accompanied by Indonesia Triathlon Series President Arian Lukman and Belitung Regency Youth and Sports Service (Dispora) Head Soebagio and other triathlon participants, the Menparekraf performed a simulated triathlon starting at the Sheraton Hotel Area Beach and ending at Tanjung Kelayang SEZ area.

The route begins with swimming up to 350 meters to the beach at the Sheraton Hotel, then continues by bike for up to 33 km, and finally up to 3 km in the Tanjung Kelayang Special Economic Zone (KEK).

After trying the triathlon track, the Menparekraf said Belitung was one of the best places to host the triathlon series. Because it is supported by very clear beaches and quite difficult coastal currents and smooth roads.

“This is my third time swimming in open water in Belitung and I have also done open water swimming in several iconic destinations in Indonesia and in my opinion I can say that Belitung is one of the best “said the minister who likes sport.

Menparekraf also said that because this sporting event took place during a pandemic, health protocol must be strictly and disciplined. In the future, participants in the triathlon series in Indonesia will be limited. Starting slowly from 50 people, then the second round will be held in Kendari City with another 50 people, then in Palembang there will be 75-100 participants.



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