Indonesia has everything, many products that other countries don’t have

The Ministry of Commerce is targeting the total value of trade contracts at Trade Expo Indonesia (TEI) 2018 at US $ 5.19 billion. TEI will take place from October 24 to 28, 2018 and will bring together 8,313 buyers from 124 countries. TEI is Indonesia’s largest international trade fair. This year is the 33rd time that TEI has taken place.

The Director General of National Export Development (Dirjen PEN), Ministry of Commerce (Kemendag), Arlinda, said the 2018 Trade Expo Indonesia was under the theme of “ Creating Products for Global Opportunities ” by showcasing more than 300 products. and high quality and competitive services.

“We want to show the outside world that Indonesia is ready to become a supplier of highly competitive and sustainable products for international entrepreneurs. Indonesia has it all. Many resources. We have many products which are from raw materials which do not exist in other countries. We want TEI 2018 to become a world-class exhibition known to the whole world, ”said Arlinda, Thursday, October 25.

The products of the TEI 2018 exhibition are divided into several areas, namely: Halls 1 and 10 filled with Indonesian culinary products. Halls 2 and 3 are filled with UKM products such as batik, crafts and more.

In hall 3A you will find furnishing products. Then halls 5, 6 and 7 are filled with manufactured goods such as tires, palm oil, strategic industries and others. Finally, in halls 8 and 9, there are potential and superior products from each region. To be able to visit and see these products, visitors are not charged at all.

Initially, the goal set by the government at this year’s TEI was a $ 1.5 billion transaction at the exhibition. In fact, said Arlinda, the goal was immediately achieved from day one. The reason is that TEI has successfully registered 44 Memoranda of Understanding (MoU). Total contracts reached a transaction figure of 4.96 billion USD.

“This figure is a good opening for the world of Indonesian exports,” said Arlinda.

Operation MoU consists of US $ 4.6 billion in IT and real estate investments made in more than 64 MOUs by 53 countries. The rest, buyers are more fond of chemicals, processed foods, seafood, cosmetics and wood products. And the transactions that are recorded are non-retail transactions that occur on-site.

Arlinda said there were 5 countries that held the biggest deals during the two days of the show. Saudi Arabia has the highest transaction value. Followed by Taiwan, Singapore, Malaysia and Chile.

“So far, Saudi Arabia occupies the highest position in terms of MoU transaction. However, we don’t yet know the end result as there are still dozens of MOUs that are going to come to fruition, ”said Arlinda.

Arlinda said this year’s TEI concept is more comprehensive, namely Business to Business (B2B), Business to Customer (B2C) and Government to Government (G2G) implementation. The year before, Arlinda explained, only carried the B2B concept. This year, with the three existing concepts, TEI 2018 should collect three times the transactions. Indeed, the public and buyers can buy straight away during the exhibition.

On Thursday (25/10), it was recorded that more than 8,000 buyers from 124 countries had come. This cannot be dissociated from the role of the Ministry of Commerce in working with relevant institutions to attract foreign buyers. The Ministry of Commerce collaborates with representatives of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Ministry of Commerce abroad.

The Ministry of Commerce itself has 44 representatives in various countries, 19 ITPC (Indonesia Trade Promotion Center) in 18 countries. 23 trading partners, consul general of commerce in Hong Kong. There is also the Indonesian Chamber of Commerce (KDI) in Taiwan. In addition to that, we also have an ambassador at the WTO.

“The point is that we are mobilizing all the capacities of the Indonesian Embassy and Consulate General to attract buyers,” he said.

In addition to exhibitions, TEI 2018 also offers other agendas that support the development of industry players. As a business forum, a forum for SME businessmen which can be used to provide input and share experiences. There is also business matching, which is the time for foreign buyers and traders to make transactions.

“In this business match on Wednesday (10/24), there were 45 potential transactions worth $ 11 million from Algeria, South Korea, Thailand, India, Morocco and from Spain, ”Arlinda said.

There are also regional discussions, where each partner provides experiences on how to enter foreign markets. No less interesting, TEI 2018 also has a startup competition. The Ministry of Commerce brought together young economic players who were just beginning to enter the world of exports to be in competition there. Not to look for winners and losers, but rather to train them to enter a truly global market.

At TEI 2018, there was this time an award ceremony for export trade players who were considered successful. The price is the Primaniyarta price. This award is given to exporters who have made a major contribution to the country. The criterion is that exports have increased for 5 consecutive years. The export is important and meets the criteria of cleanliness and is not involved in customs affairs, tax issues, environmental issues, labor issues.

No kidding, the evaluation team and the prize jury were made up of representatives of the Ministry of Commerce, the Ministry of Finance, the General Directorate of Customs and Excise, the General Directorate of Taxes, the Ministry of the Environment. , the LPII and the Ministry of Labor. They come together to judge which business is appropriate.

This year, Primaniyarta beneficiaries registered 26 companies in 4 categories, namely the category of successful exporters; The Global Brand Builder Exporter Category; Category of potential potential exporters and category of pioneer exporters in the new market.

In addition to the category of commercial actors, the following category is aimed at “buyers” or buyers loyal to Indonesian products for 3 years on a regular basis. The recipients of the “buyer” category award are represented by representatives of the Foreign Ministry of Commerce.

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