Impact PJJ, students need 9 years to catch up

medialnews, JAKARTA – The Ministry of Education, Culture, Research and Technology (Kemendikbudristek) said it took 9 years for students to be able to catch up with the learning delay due to the Covid-19 pandemic.

The director general of teachers and education staff of the Ministry of Education and Culture, Iwan Syahril, said that distance learning (PJJ) has a negative impact, namely the loss of opportunities for ‘learning.

The long-term effect is a decrease in the mastery of the skills of the students.

So that students take a long time to catch up.

This was conveyed by Iwan at the launch of the Teacher Learning webinar series on GTK’s Headquarters Youtube channel Kemdikbud RI on Friday (5/28).

“The loss of learning leads to a decrease in the mastery of the skills of the learners, which has a long-term impact, it can even be predicted for decades, and to improve the current condition, the loss should reach 9 years”, said I won.

Also read: Rector Uhamka: Awakening education must be accompanied by budget optimization

Therefore, the central government, through the joint ministerial decree, instructed local governments to start opening schools with various strict health requirements and protocols.

“The designated area is applied to an area, for example in a regency, there are areas in the archipelago where the mobility of the population is quite safe, the local government can see which areas that can carry out PTMs are limited” , he explained.

He hopes that the completion of the immunization process for educators and education staff, which is expected to be completed by the end of June, will accelerate the implementation of limited face-to-face learning.

As is known, a number of zones belonging to the green zone category have conducted face-to-face learning trials in schools.

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