ICW’s request to remove Firli from the police considered against the law

VIVA – A criminal law expert from Al-Azhar University, Suparji Ahmad, said he did not have the rationale for the actions taken by Indonesia Corruption Watch (ICW) to write to the national police chief, the General Listyo Sigit Prabowo, to remove the Chairman of the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) Firli Bahuri from the police institution. Indeed, this step does not comply with legal provisions.

Suparji said the law regulated the dismissal of the head of the Kuningan-based institution in south Jakarta.

“Everything must comply with the applicable provisions, as stipulated in article 32 of the law on the commission for the eradication of corruption,” Suparji told reporters on Thursday, May 27, 2021.

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