Here is the chronology of the members of the DPRD who killed recidivists Curanmor in Bangkalan

Drawing. BETWEEN / HO

medialnews, SURABAYA – Police named a Bangkalan Regency DPRD member with the initials H as a suspect in the shooting that killed Sepulu resident Bangkalan Regency in March 2021.

“Prior to the Bangkalan DPRD member with the initials H, the police had already named S and M as suspects,” East Java Regional Police Public Relations Chief Kombes Gatot Repli Handoko said upon confirmation to Surabaya, Friday (21/5). .

Suspects S and M were arrested by police. Meanwhile, H, who is a council member, has not been detained as the police are still gathering evidence.

According to Gatot, suspect H was the executor of the shooting against L. However, the firearm used was still under investigation, whether it belonged to S or M.

Gatot explained that the incident started when the three suspects visited L’s home in Sepulu.

They came to ask questions about the missing motorcycle that was allegedly stolen by the victim.

“This victim is a repeat motor vehicle theft offender,” said the middle-ranking police officer.

At this point, the suspect asked L to return the motorcycle belonging to one of the suspects. However, the victim did not admit the accusation.

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