Handling stranded marine mammals, KKP collaborates with the Association of Veterinarians

The role of veterinarians is necessary to address various conservation management issues of marine mammals

Jakarta (medialnews) – The Ministry of Marine Affairs and Fisheries (KKP) is working with the Indonesian Association of Veterinarians (PDHI) to explore cooperation to strengthen the management of stranded marine mammals that often occur in national waters .

“KKP, through the Directorate General of Marine Space Management, is working with PDHI to strengthen the management of stranded marine mammals from an animal health perspective,” said the Director General of Marine Management. marine space, Tb. Haeru Rahayu in a press release in Jakarta on Sunday.

Following the frequent appearance of stranded marine mammals in several Indonesian territorial waters, Tb Haeru said that according to the direction of the Minister of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries, Sakti Wahyu Trenggono, the KKP wanted to solve the problem of marine waters. stranded. the mammals.

Thus, he continued, there is no presumption about the cause and the management strategy can be immediately determined.

Read also: KKP has prepared priority steps to deal with the phenomenon of stranded marine mammals

Tebe explained that the role of veterinarians is absolutely necessary to address various issues in the conservation management of marine mammals, including helping to stay alive, managing disease, investigating deaths, and reducing the negative impact of marine mammals. stranding on the health of the community and surrounding area. environment.

For this, he said, the support, commitment and contribution of various agencies, including PDHI, is considered very important in determining the success of its implementation on the ground.

Tebe added, the urgent thing to do right now is to provide education and awareness in the community, technical advice to the working group and first and fast answering machine, and shows that the state is there to protect the environment.

“We want to cooperate with PDHI in the near future so that they can immediately provide education and socialization to the public or other stakeholders by involving the PDHI vets,” he explained.

Meanwhile, PB PDHI President Muhammad Munawaroh said that there are currently 20,000 PDHI veterinarians. According to him, his party is ready to support and assist the KKP in its efforts to combat stranded marine mammals.

“There is already a memorandum of understanding with the KKP, we just have to follow it in the form of a cooperation agreement. We are ready to help with our staff and knowledge,” Munawaroh said.

As part of the handling of stranded marine mammals, since 2012, the Ministry of Marine Affairs and Fisheries has published guidelines for the handling of stranded marine mammals, organized a number of socialization and training on their handling, as well as as the formation of a marine mammal network with partners.

Decree No. 79 of 2018 of the Ministry of Marine Affairs and Fisheries (Kepmen KP) concerning the national action plan for the conservation of marine mammals for the period 2018-2022 and formed a working group (Pokja) to coordination and implementation of the NAP for the conservation of marine mammals, including the handling of mammals. beached sea, on the basis of the decree of the Minister of the KP number 14 of 2020.

Also read: KKP explores the causes of sea mammals washed up en masse in Indonesia
Also Read: KKP Made Pieh Island, West Sumatra, Habitat For The Protection Of Marine Mammals

Reporter: Mr. Razi Rahman
Editor: Kelik Dewanto

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