GP Ansor is ready to strengthen the national knowledge of KPK employees who do not pass TWK

Illustration of the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK). Photo: Ricardo

medialnews, JAKARTA – The Youth Movement (Ansor) has stated that it is ready to be involved in the program to strengthen understanding of national knowledge for employees of the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK).

Central Executive Vice President (PP) GP Ansor M Haerul Amri said that so far Ansor has adequate systems, methods and experience to carry out this area.

He highlighted Ansor’s willingness to respond to the wishes of President Joko Widodo (Jokowi), Monday (5/17/2021), who requested formal training for 75 employees of the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) who were deemed not to have passed the Insight Test (TWK).

“GP Ansor appreciates President Jokowi’s decision to give KPK employees who do not pass TWK the opportunity to receive formal training. And we at Ansor are ready to contribute if we are asked for help in strengthening the national vision of KPK employees, including ASNs, ”Haerul Amri said in Jakarta on Monday (5/17/2021).

Haerul Amri said the non-compliance with 75 KPK employees at TWK has worried many parties. This is reasonable as the KPK is a highly respected institution as it is the primary custodian of law enforcement efforts to eradicate corruption in Indonesia.

With this noble task, the employees of KPK must not only have a capital of high integrity, but also have a solid understanding of the national vision.

Haerul revealed that GP Ansor has a comprehensive national insight education system and curriculum. “ The system and program has long been implemented to train the cadres of Ansor and the Multipurpose Ansor Barisan (Banser) to have more character, have high patriotism and become a strong guardian of the unitary state of the Republic of Indonesia (NKRI), “he said.

He explained that an education on the national vision had been given to the executives of Anor and Banser in Indonesia and abroad, a number which reached millions of people.

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