First day of Lebaran, Semarang toll road is quiet

VIVA – Unlike Eid before the pandemic, the atmosphere of the Semarang toll road was deserted on Lebaran 2021. Even though the Semarang toll road, in particular go out The Srondol toll road and the Banyumanik toll gate are entered into vehicle queues during Eid. Especially in the afternoon when residents come back from vacation.

However, the ban on going home and the policy of a number of local governments to close tourist objects in their area has an impact on traffic on the Semarang toll road.

Like all afternoon until this afternoon, Thursday (5/13/21), there were no queues at all at the Banyumanik tollgate, or go out Srondol toll road which is generally blocked. The atmosphere is completely deserted. Passing vehicles are dominated by goods and the cars of local residents will keep in touch.

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