Experts encourage stronger oversight of foreign travel actors

Experts are also recommending genome sequencing checks for residents suspected of Covid.

medialnews, JAKARTA – Lung professor at the Faculty of Medicine, University of Indonesia (FKUI) Tjandra Yoga Aditama, urged relevant authorities to tighten oversight of foreign travelers. This was followed by the results of the exodus of the Indian population in Indonesia.

“Anyone entering Indonesia, including from India, of course, must be quarantined before they can carry out any activities,” he said via a short message received in Jakarta on Friday (23/4 ).

According to Tjandra, the implementation of the quarantine for migrants from abroad must continue in strict accordance with the regulations in force. If a person is suspected of being ill, they should be treated according to the procedure and the possibility of contact should be closely traced.

The former WHO infectious disease director for Southeast Asia insisted that strict surveillance of migrants also be carried out at some point. Singapore, for example, closed flights from some European countries in mid-December 2020 due to information about the new B117 variant, but they also tracked anyone who had come since mid-November 2020. From that way, Singapore at that time was able to find a new variant of B117 in its country, ”he said.

Tjandra added that the surveillance was not only carried out on those who had currently disembarked from India, but also for a month in mid-March 2021.

Tjandra also suggested that related parties conduct a review whole genome sequencing or whole genome sequencing in residents suspected of having Covid-19.

“For example, Covid-19 is now sick, even though it comes from countries that have reported an increase in cases that may be linked to a new mutation. Increase in the number of examinations whole genome sequencing to be the main key for the identification of new variants and possible mutations that could exist in our country, ”he said.

Tjandra said surveillance in Indonesia needs to continue to improve, especially with the trend of increasing cases around the world in recent weeks.

The country of India, Tjandra said, is currently experiencing a second wave of corona cases. On April 22, 2021, India recorded the highest daily number of Covid-19 cases to date, over 314,000 people.

“In short, 3M (maintain distance, wear masks, wash hands), 3T (screening, tracing and treatment) as well as vaccination must continue to be encouraged by the government and our society,” he said. declared.

source: Antara

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