Erick Thohir wants a wrestling movie every year

Erick points out that many lessons can be learned from the film Tjoet Nya ‘Dhien.

medialnews, JAKARTA – Coinciding with National Awakening Day which falls every May 20, BUMN Minister Erick Thohir is also watching the movie “Tjoet Nya“ Dhien. ”After watching the movie, Erick Thohir wanted Indonesia produces a wrestling film every year.

“I really want (Indonesia) to have a wrestling movie every year, apart from the drama and action and other movies,” Erick Thohir said after watching the movie “Tjoet Nya” Dhien “at the Plaza Senayan, Jakarta, Thursday (20/5).

When told that there had been an initiation to reading the movie “Tjoet Nya” Dhien “which had been repaired by the Dutch, he was very touched. As this movie was a very famous wrestling movie in 1988 was not easy to do and the content of the story is extraordinary.

Erick Thohir noted that there were two lessons to be learned from this film. First, how the destruction of a nation or a struggle is due to ourselves. Second, if we are not disciplined or united, it will not work.

“Covid teaches us to love our nation, nationalism must be supported. A wrestling movie like this is important every year we in the ministry will try to help. If every year we have a wrestling movie like this, I think it’s important for the younger generation, ”he said.

The younger generation, said Erick, must see how a great nation is a nation that sees history and learns from its history. And for now, he’s calling on everyone to work together to overcome the pandemic.

Indonesian work, of course, must start with a healthy Indonesia. If Indonesia can prove it to the rest of the world with disciplined prokes, the transmission and death rate continues to be depressed, especially since Indonesia has carried out extraordinary vaccinations, then Indonesia will continue to s ‘improve.

“We’re one of the best countries in the world (when it comes to immunization), but it doesn’t make sense if the community doesn’t work together to comply with the health program. I hope, let’s go back to the cinema but let’s be disciplined in the process, ”concluded Erick Thohir.

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