End the Palestinian conflict, Kosgoro 57 called on Indonesia to strengthen its international force

medialnews, JAKARTA – The bloody conflict in Palestine due to attacks by Israeli soldiers since the end of Ramadan so far has killed more than 100 innocent civilians.

This incident should be unfortunate for all parties as it occurred when Muslims fulfilled their fasting obligations for the holy month of Ramadan and welcomed the victory day of Eid al-Fitr 1 Syawal 1442 H.

Kosgoro 57 President Dave Akbarshah Fikarno Laksono stressed that the Palestinian problem is a humanitarian problem.

The rights of the Palestinians have been deprived of their independence since the spread of the Israeli-led Zionist movement.

“The annexation of land which is allegedly the legacy of the Jewish nation has caused Israel to expand its territory too far by violently attacking the Palestinian territories,” Dave told reporters on Saturday (5/15/2021).

“The impact is so large, especially for civilians, especially children and innocent women. Based on Israel’s unilateral claim, the conflict in Palestine has escalated to this day,” he said. he continued.

Also read: Israeli warplanes destroy 4 bank offices in Gaza

The latest incident is known to have taken place when Israel shelled the Gaza Strip with airstrikes and artillery shells that killed over 100 civilians, including dozens of children, as a result of the attack. .

Despite international calls to end this attack, there is no indication that Israel is stopping it so far.

Dave pointed out that the attitude of Israel, which colonized the Palestinian nation, is in fact contrary to the preamble of the preamble to the preamble of the 1945 Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia in the first paragraph:

In fact, independence is the right of all nations and therefore colonialism in the world must be abolished because it is not in accordance with humanism and justice.

“Based on the mandate of the constitution, the 1957 PPK Kogoro which has Tridharma values ​​in the form of devotion, populism and solidarity believes that the Israeli attack on the Palestinians that took place in the month of Ramadan before Eid al-Fitr 1 Syawal 1442H is part of colonialism on earth which, under the mandate of the constitution, is to be abolished on this earth, ”said Dave.

As a mass organization that obeys the constitution, the 1957 PPK Kosgoro declared its position:

  1. Condemn the events of the Israeli attack on the Palestinian state which claimed the lives of civilians, especially innocent children and women.
  2. Support all efforts of the Indonesian government, which is actively seeking international support to end the violence in Palestine.
  3. Based on Indonesia’s free and active foreign policy, Kosgoro 1957 called on the government to play a more real and maximum role in lifting, through the UN Security Council organization, sanctions strict against Israel if this attack qualifies as a violation of human values.
  4. Call on the Indonesian government to cooperate with the Organization for the Cooperation of Islamic Countries (OIC) to jointly mobilize international support for the independence of the Palestinian state as a substantial and comprehensive solution to end the conflict in Timor central.
  5. Call on the warring parties, namely Palestine and Israel, to propose a peaceful settlement through the negotiation table and political diplomacy on the basis of a just and civilized humanity for the achievement of comprehensive peace in the Middle East.
  6. Call on civil society organizations in the country to work together to help the Palestinians who are currently experiencing the bloody tragedy of the IDF attack by lifting humanitarian aid.
  7. Ask Indonesian citizens, especially Muslims, not to be provoked by certain parties who interpret this event as a jihad war with religious roots.

The Palestinian issue, besides the sovereignty seized by Israel, also concerns the human dignity of Palestinians of various religions.

Therefore, the 1957 Kosgoro PPK called on all Islamic organizations to provide comprehensive understanding to its members so that the Palestinian conflict does not interfere with the life of interfaith harmony in Indonesia.

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