Efforts to increase economic growth, the Ministry of Commerce focuses on boosting exports

Mataram, October 22, 2018 – Minister of Commerce Enggartiasto Lukita stressed that the Ministry of Commerce is trying to increase economic growth, including by increasing exports. This was conveyed during the National Seminar organized by the Faculty of Law of Mataram University today, Monday (10/22) at the Jayakarta Senggigi Hotel, West Nusa Tenggara (NTB). This national seminar was opened by the governor of NTB Zulkieflimasnyah.

“The Ministry of Commerce has taken several strategic measures to increase exports, including refocusing exports from primary products to industrial or processed products and diversifying export products, concluding trade agreements with new trading partner countries. , by increasing exports of services and the creative economy, by promoting exports. produced through Trade Expo Indonesia, business forums and trade missions, ”said the Minister of Commerce.

Trade Minister Enggar explained that, in order to expand market access, Indonesia is holding Indonesia-EU CEPA negotiations and bilateral negotiations with EFTA, Tunisia, Morocco, Mozambique and other non-traditional countries. In addition, the Ministry of Commerce is also conducting ASEAN + 6 or RCEP (Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership) negotiations which includes 10 ASEAN countries as well as China, India, Japan, South Korea, Australia and New Zealand.

Efforts to increase exports are continuously carried out because, besides investment, exports are also one of the keys to economic growth. “In accordance with the mandate of the President of the Republic of Indonesia, Joko Widodo, the national economic growth for the next three years is 5.4%. This can be achieved if it is supported by increased exports and investment. At the same time, the Ministry of Commerce is targeting export growth of 11% in 2018, ”said the Minister of Commerce.

In his presentation, the Minister of Commerce also referred to several challenges faced in efforts to increase exports and investments. This challenge comes from within and without, namely the increasing use of technology and digital products in line with the onset of the industrial 4.0 era. and the return of protectionist sentiment in world trade. Based on BPS data processed by the Ministry of Commerce, cumulative non-oil and gas exports from January to July 2018 reached USD 94.21 billion. This value increased by 11.1% compared to the same period in 2017 (year on year) which amounted to 84.83 billion USD. “The export performance reinforces optimism about reaching the target of growth in non-oil and gas exports of 11% this year,” concluded the Minister of Commerce.

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