East Java Provincial Government Prepares Creative Economy Cooperation with Austria

Surabaya (medialnews) – The provincial government of East Java is preparing cooperation in the creative economy sector with the Austrian government in the hope of strengthening relations between the two.

“Synergy can be achieved through student exchanges and then through the creative economy in the music sector,” East Java Governor Khofifah Indar Parawansa said during the visit of the Ambassador of Austria in Indonesia, Dr. Johannes Peterlik at the Grahadi State Building in Surabaya, Friday.

The number one person in the provincial government of East Java believes that Austria has made progress in the areas of ecotype (electronics, control, telecommunications, information and electrical engineering) that East Java really needs.

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For this reason, he said, as a form of relationship building support, it is hoped that post-COVID-19 student exchanges can be achieved.

In Austria, he said, music is also known to be very advanced and has the potential that it can also learn to be better.

“Like the story of the late President Gus Dur at the time. That is why this cooperation must be serious and carried out in the future,” Governor Khofifah said.

“We want Austria’s support for the creative industry in the music sector, both from the direction and expertise of the musicians. Especially in East Java there is no special building for concerts, ”he added.

Meanwhile, Austrian Ambassador to Indonesia Dr. Johannes Peterlik welcomed the cooperation plan and hoped that it could be realized soon.

“Thank you for being welcomed in East Java. In the future, relations between East Java and Austria must remain close and even intensify,” he said.

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Journalist: Fiqh Arfani
Editor: Triono Subagyo

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