DPRD Parimo: The regency must take advantage of the maritime toll to revive the economy

The Regional Council of People’s Representatives (DPRD) Parigi Moutong in central Sulawesi said the regency government should be able to take advantage of the maritime highway operating in the Tomini Bay area to improve the economy regional.

“The maritime highway is very beneficial for the regions, but this opportunity has not been used properly by the regional government,” DPRD President Parigi Moutong Sayutin Budianto said in Parigi on Monday.

A number of ports in Parigi Moutong became transit points for pioneer ships, even the port of Parigi, which is located in the district capital, became a base for pioneer ships. Therefore, government intervention is needed to support efforts to increase regional revenues.

According to him, a number of related technical agencies, such as the Ministry of Industry and Trade (Perindag), should encourage and empower distributors and other commercial actors to use maritime road transport modes to improve the distribution of goods. return loads.

“The central government facilitated access to sea toll vessels and pioneer ships, one of which subsidized the cost of transporting goods. It should be used correctly, ”Sayutin said.

Until now, he was unaware of the obstacles faced by the government so that the use of the sea route is not maximized, as currently only one distributor uses the access to sea toll vessels for the return of rice goods. .

“Industry and commerce must seek reliable information on the price of agricultural products in the Parigi Moutong region so that distributors and other commercial actors have a benchmark in terms of costs.” Many products from central Sulawesi are targeting the Kalimantan market because the price is quite good, maybe this duty affects the quiet sea toll vessels in the area is because of the price competition ”, said Sayutin .

For this reason, the issue of sea tolls must be discussed specifically during the Hearing Meeting (RDP) which will be scheduled by the DPRD with a number of related technical agencies so that solutions can be created to maximize this mode of transport.

There are at least four sea toll freighters in and out of Parigi Port carrying inter-island logistics with shipping routes namely Gorontalo Province, Bitung Port, North Sulawesi, Pagimana Port, the Regency of Banggai, Port of Ampana, Port of Tojo Una-Una and Parigi and Port of Tinombo, Parigi Moutong, Central Sulawesi.
Also Read: Increase Return Load, Pelni Urges Local Governments To Boost Top Quality Products
Also Read: The First VCO Transport Sea Toll Road From North Maluku To Java
Also Read: Sea Highway To Achieve Economic Justice For Remote Communities

Reporters: Muhammad Arshandi / Moh Ridwan
Editor: Royke Sinaga

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