DPD chairman supports millennial Papuan peasant movement

By building capacity, access to agricultural facilities and good management of the agricultural commodity market, we are optimistic that this can support the progress of West Papua Province.

Manokwari (medialnews) – Chairman of the Indonesian Regional Council of Representatives, AA LaNyalla Mahmud Mattalitti, supports the Millennial Farmers’ Movement which is led in Manokwari, West Papua Province.

“The regeneration of farmers must be raised, the presence of millennials is very necessary in agriculture,” he said in a statement received Friday in Manokwari, West Papua.

It supports the millennial Papuan peasant movement because it will develop the existence of youth in agriculture.

In addition, LaNyalla said, agriculture also needs initiatives and breakthroughs from the younger generation to be able to support increased productivity.

The East Java senator added that the presence and existence of millennial farmers would help the country anticipate farmers’ deficits in the future.

According to him, in the future, the agricultural sector must be filled with farmers of productive age and farmers able to keep pace.

“Agriculture is also included in the 4.0 era, where the touch of technology is an integral part. Therefore, the millennial farmer movement is a very good part of regeneration,” he said.

LaNyalla explained that agriculture is a promising sector with a growing market share in line with the need for healthy food consumption.

However, he continued, the mindset regarding farming also needs to be changed if you want to involve the younger generation.

“Agriculture is no longer synonymous with dirty mud work. Because modern tools have been implemented. There are tractors for cultivating the land, using drones for sowing seeds and the like. Apart from that, the younger generation can also benefit from the many agriculture, ”he explained.

To support this, the former president of PSSI said that managing millennial farmers should be done in a stylish, open and modern way.

“By building capacity, access to agricultural facilities and good management of the agricultural commodity market, we are optimistic that this can support the progress of West Papua province, especially in the agricultural sector,” added LaNyalla.

Read also: DPD Chairman asked TNI / Polri to crush KKB in Papua
Also Read: DPD Chairman: Government pays great attention to Papua and West Papua
Read also: President of the DPD RI: the Internet network immediately reaches the villages of Papua

Reporter: Ernes Broning Kakisina
Editor: Kelik Dewanto

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