Do not pay THR according to arrangement, workers boycott Indomaret next week

medialnews, JAKARTA – Federation of Indonesian Metalworkers’ Unions (FSPMI) President Riden Hatam Aziz said boycott action by workers not to shop at Indomaret will be carried out across Indonesia from next week .

FSPMI and Confederation of Indonesian Workers’ Unions (KSPI) members who have declared their commitment not to buy from Indomaret include Jakarta, Tangerang, Serang, Cilegon, Bogor, Depok, Bekasi, Karawang, Purwakarta, Bandung, Semarang , Lampung, Medan, Deli Serdang, Batam, Surabaya, Sidoarjo, Mojokerto and other cities.

“Besides the boycott, FSPMI members also staged protests outside PT Indomarco Prismatama offices across Indonesia in support and solidarity with Anwar Bessy (Indomaret employee),” Riden said on Saturday. (22/5/2021).

KSPI Chairman Said Iqbal added, citing the statement of the Secretary General of the Ministry of Manpower Anwar Sanusi regarding the results of the inspection of labor inspectors, Indomaret paid THR 2020 equal to a salary to all workers.

The provision refers to a memo from the company that examines the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic.

According to the findings of the Manpower Department, Said said, this was not in line with the company’s previous regulations which regulated the amount of THR based on length of service.

For workers with a working period of less than three years, they receive a salary, the working period of more than three years but less than seven years is paid 1.5 times the salary and the working period of more than seven years is paid twice. salary.

During this time, many workers have worked for more than seven years, so they should be paid THR twice the salary according to company regulations.

However, the worker only received one month’s THR salary due to the Covid-19 pandemic.

<< The union is of the opinion that the management in paying the THR 2020 does not comply with the company regulations which have been registered with the Workforce Office and with laws and regulations such as the law No. 13 of 2003 and government regulation No. 78 of 2015, ”Said said.

The position of the company regulations as well as the collective agreement (PKB) is equal and equal in value to the law, in which the company regulations are binding on the employees.

Also read: The president of the DPD RI asks that the dispute Indomaret THR be resolved by deliberation

So, Said said that the THR for Indomarco workers with a period of work of 7 years and more who was paid 50 percent of the value of the settlement had broken the law, it must be suspected that there were elements of civil and criminal violations (embezzlement of labor wages in the form of THR).

“Failure to pay THR in accordance with the content of company regulations should be preceded by negotiations to reach an agreement with the workers or the unions that represent the workers. Do not unilaterally pay the THR of 50% of the company’s regulation, ”he said.

“Instead of companies obeying labor laws, workers who demand THR payment according to company regulations are criminalized. In this case, Anwar Bessy alian Ambon is considered to have committed a criminal act, ”Said said.

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