DKI Jakarta extends PPKM Mikro until May 31

Jakarta (medialnews) – The provincial government of DKI Jakarta has extended the promulgation of restrictions on micro-scale community activities (PPKM) until May 31, 2021 to anticipate an increase in positive cases of COVID-19 after Eid of this year.

DKI Jakarta Provincial Health Bureau Chief Widyastuti Says PPKM Expansion
Micro, which is enforced by the Decree of the Governor of DKI Jakarta Number 615 of 2021 and the Instruction of the Governor of the Province of DKI Jakarta Number 34 of 2021, deviates from the experience in 2020 that there has been an increase active cases after Idul Fitri vacation.

“Based on the experience of managing the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020, the provincial government DKI Jakarta is mobilizing all its resources this year to anticipate this peak, including the extension of the Micro PPKM period until 31 May 2021, “Widyastuti said in her statement. in Jakarta, Monday evening.

Widyastuti explained that the increase in active cases in Jakarta has fluctuated over the past two weeks. The number of active cases rose from 7,039 on May 3, 2021 to 7,266 on May 15, 2021, before finally dropping to 7,146 on May 16, 2021.

“Indeed, there was a decrease of 120 cases from May 15 to 16, 2021. However, we will remain vigilant on an increase in cases in the next two weeks, especially since this period is the period after Eid “said Widyastuti.

Widyastuti has ensured that health facilities in DKI Jakarta are prepared to deal with an increase in active cases. As of May 17, 2021, the health unit of DKI Jakarta has prepared 6,633 isolation beds and 1,007 intensive care units.

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DKI Jakarta Governor Anies Baswedan with Regional Military Commander TNI Major General Dudung Abdurrachman and Metro Jaya Regional Police Chief Inspector General Pol Fadil Imran at DKI Jakarta Town Hall Building, Monday (5/17/2021) (medialnews / Mentari Dwi Gayati)

From this capacity, the filling level is also classified as under control. The isolation bed was 1,724 or 26% full and the ICU 338 or 34% full.

“This means that the capacity of isolation beds and intensive care units is always over 50%,” he said.

Widyastuti said her party continues to monitor and be aware of the homecoming group. Moreover, from the experience of Nataru (Christmas and New Years) and Lebaran holidays of the previous year, the majority of the population of DKI Jakarta moved in large numbers to various cities of Java, Bali and North of Sumatra.

The majority of residents use private cars, so they will need information assistance from RT, RW and executives to identify returning perpetrators. It is also necessary to anticipate bus and travel routes.

“Even though the government has urged the public not to go home and proceed with the isolation, we are still aware of the potential clusters resulting from this trip,” he said.

Meanwhile, DKI Jakarta Governor Anies Baswedan also previously stressed that there is no ban on entering Jakarta.

However, those entering Jakarta from out of town should be prepared to undergo screening with the Forkompinda ranks. The provincial government DKI Jakarta carries out two stages of screening, namely at the entrances to Jakarta and in the neighborhoods of each resident.
Also read: Police prepare stickers for return vehicles without COVID-19
Also read: Kapolda appreciates locals putting up warning banners for travelers

Journalist: Ricky Prayoga
Editor: Sri Muryono

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