Deposit for the Nganjuk Regent, from village chief to sub-district chief

The nominal promotion deposit for the Nganjuk Regent starts from IDR 2 million.

medialnews, by Ali Mansur, Antara

The head of the public relations division of the National Police Headquarters, Inspector General Pol Argo Yuwono, said that Nganjuk Regent Novi Rahman Hidayat had received deposits from various job auction practices. The deposit was reportedly received by the regent of Nganjuk from the village chief at the sub-district level.

“So the deposit varies, yes, because he also collects some from the village. Then after becoming a village chief, there is a deposit of Rp. 2 million, then collected on the rise, from village to sub-district” , Argo said in a press conference at the Police Criminal Investigation Unit, Jakarta, Tuesday (11/5).

According to Argo, payments are made in stages from the village chief to the sub-district chief. For face value it varies from Rp. 2 million, there are also those who give Rp. 15 million to Rp. 50 million.

“Then there is also Rp. 15million, Rp. 50million is also there, so it varies between Rp. 2million and Rp. 50million,” Argo said. He said that investigators from the Directorate of Corruption Crimes (Dirtipikor), Bareskrim Polri, continued to study the flow of funds given and received by regents of sub-district heads and village heads.

Investigators will examine Nganjuk Regent and six other suspects once their condition is healthy after Nganjuk’s road trip to Jakarta. According to Argo, the Nganjuk Regent and six other suspects were transferred to the Jakarta Criminal Investigation Unit using the overland route due to Operation Ketupat 2021 which restricted train and plane travel.

Regent Nganjuk, after being arrested Monday (10/5) in the morning, left by bus for Jakarta. He arrived at Bareskrim Polri this morning around 02:30 WIB.

“So we are investigating this from the examination to the regent and other suspects, depending on how long that process takes. We are investigating this because last night we just arrived in Bareskrim, we gave the ‘opportunity to the person because he was fasting, their rights in the activities. here we give it, we check the state of health, if the condition is good, we will continue the examination, “said Argo.

Argo added that a detailed examination will be carried out after the suspects arrive at the police criminal investigation unit. Questions that will be explored such as the nominal deposit given, how many times the deposit has been made and how long the practice of buying and selling such positions has existed. “We still don’t have the number of years it took him to buy and sell positions,” Argo said.

The investigation into the Nganjuk Regent OTT case was continued by the National Police Criminal Investigation Unit. There are seven suspects in the case, including Regent Nganjuk. The suspects, namely Nganjuk Regent Novi Rahman Hidayat (NRH) and M Izza Muhtadin (MIM) as assistant to the Nganjuk Regent. Meanwhile, the bribers, namely Dupriono (DR) as head of Pace sub-district, Edie Srijato (ES) as head of Tanjunganom sub-district and interim head of Sukomoro sub-district, Haryanto (HR) as head of Berbek -District sub-district, Bambang Subagio (BS) as head of Loceret sub-district, and Tri Basuki Widodo (TBW) as former head of Sukomoro sub-district.

Articles suspected of being against the camat and the old camat, namely Article 5, paragraph 1, of the Corruption Offenses Act (Tipikor) number 31 of 1999, as amended by number 20 of 2001 , with a maximum threat of 5 years in prison and a fine of IDR 250 million. In the meantime, the Regent of Nganjuk and his staff are subject to Article 5, paragraph 2 and / or Article 11 and / or Article 12b of the Law on Corruption. “All the suspects were also charged with article 55, paragraphs 1 to 1 of the penal code,” Argo said.

At least 18 sanctions have been reviewed regarding the Nganjuk Regent’s OTT. “From this arrest, we interviewed several witnesses. In this case, 18 witnesses were interviewed in connection with the arrest,” Argo said.

After questioning 18 witnesses, Argo said, investigators from the Corruption Crimes Directorate (Dirtipikor), Bareskrim Polri and KPK confiscated a number of evidence in the form of cash allegedly the proceeds of the act. criminal of buying and selling positions worth Rp. 647.9 million from Nganjuk Regent’s personal safe. Investigators also confiscated evidence of eight cell phones and a Bank Jatim savings book in the name of Tri Basuki Widodo.

“And there are several documents relating to the sale and purchase of positions,” Argo said. After examining 18 witnesses and then the suspect is examined, the investigator proceeds to a title of the case. From the title, it was agreed that the case would move to investigative status.

“All the participants in the title agreed that this case should go to the level of the investigation, so that the suspects are brought to Jakarta,” Argo said.

After being declared suspects, from today the suspects will be held at the Bareskrim Police Detention Center in Jakarta. Argo added that Bareskrim Polri’s efforts were the result of coordinating with the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) to root out corruption crimes. “This is the first time in the history of the KPK and Bareskrim Polri to work together to uncover a case of alleged corruption of a regional official,” Argo said.

The two-star general explained that the anti-soup agency and Bhayangkara’s corps work in synergy from reports, investigations, data collection, through OTT. “The synergy between law enforcement agencies will continue to be achieved and maintained in order to be even better,” Argo said.

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