Covid-19 pandemic, MPR: Indonesia is lucky to have an ulama: national Okezone

JAKARTA – The Deputy Speaker of the Indonesian People’s Consultative Assembly, Ahmad Muzani, spoke of the important role of religious scholars in the face of the crisis caused by the Covid-19 pandemic. This was conveyed by Ahmad Muzani during a rally with academics and habaib all over Jakarta at Hasyim Asy’ari Grand Mosque, Cengkareng, West Jakarta.

Ahmad Muzani’s presence was greeted by KH Mahfudz Asirun who is also chairman of the Prosperity Council of the Great Mosque of Hasyim Asy’ari and a scholar of ulemas throughout Jakarta.

In his remarks, Ahmad Muzani said the biggest challenge during the Covid-19 period was sluggish economic life. The purchasing power of people has fallen and the cogs of commerce are less enthusiastic.

“This situation has a psychological impact on the Ummah, namely the emergence of pessimism in society. This is where we should be thankful that there are religious scholars who continue to generate optimism, that God willing, Covid-19 will end. Because religious teachings state that every disease must have a cure, ”he said. Muzani.

According to party secretary general Gerindra, the encouragement of the ulama is what makes the people steadfast in patience, as patience is an important part of what ulama always say.

In addition to patience, scholars also teach positive values ​​by constantly striving. Although this is another formidable challenge in the age of digitization, it has opened up all access to information. So what the scholars say, kyai and ustdz often collide because there is a paradox with real life.

“It is a heavy burden for the ulemas to continue to patiently fortify the Ummah with the direction of religious teachings, of a noble, exemplary morality based on a high morality that has shaped Indonesian civilization,” said Ahmad Muzani. .

In front of some thirty ulemas from all over Jakarta who were present at the time of the breaking of the fast, Ahmad Muzani expressed his gratitude that religious scholars continue to protect Indonesia. Without being questioned from the past until now, thanks to the prayers of the Indonesian ulemas, they remain strong to face all the challenges of each era.

“This is the great contribution of scholars who are meticulous, patient and sincere in the knitting of Indonesian civilization,” said Ahmad Muzani.


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