Covid-19 in Indonesia is still crazy, new variants of Corona have been found in Bali and Jakarta

medialnews, JAKARTA – Health Minister Budi Gunadi Sadikin has revealed that the spread of the corona virus mutation is in Jakarta and Bali.

The man born in Bogor also explained that in addition to 13 cases of mutations from England, two mutations from India had also been recorded and one mutation from South Africa.

“There are two transfers from India that we have seen and both in Jakarta,” Budi said at a press conference broadcast on behalf of the Presidential Secretariat on Youtube on Monday (3/5).

Then a case from South Africa was found in Bali.

So, in total, there have been 16 cases of Covid-19 in Indonesia that come from variant mutations from the three foreign countries.

On the same occasion, the Minister for the Coordination of the Economy, Airlangga Hartarto, said there had been a peak of 19 Covid cases in April 2021 in several provinces.

One of them is the DKI province of Jakarta.

“West Java, Central Java, Papua, DKI Jakarta and Riau, the numbers are much lower,” party chairman Golkar said.

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