Commissioner Pelni clashes with Ramadan conference, furious MUI deputy civil service chief

VIVA – The cancellation of the Ramadhan recitation performed by PT Pelni is currently in the public spotlight. The recitation, which was completed by a number of well-known speakers, was linked to a sweeping question by Pelni Commissioner Kristia Dede Budhyarto.

Speaking of which, Indonesian Ulema Council (MUI) Deputy Chairman Anwar Abbas was furious at the cancellation of the recitation which was linked to radicalism without evidence. He questioned the rules prohibiting Ramadahan studies in Pelni.

According to him, article 29, paragraph 2, concerning state guarantees for every citizen to adhere to his religion and beliefs, should be a reference.

“Article 29, paragraph 2, states that the state guarantees every citizen the freedom to adhere to their respective religion and worship in accordance with their religious teachings and beliefs. Then my question is, what’s wrong with this preacher. I ask for proof, what is the proof for them. radical? “said Anwar deeply TvOne Evening News who is quoted VIVA, Monday April 12, 2021.

Anwar was furious and couldn’t accept the ban. He said if Pelni did not have a post he would file a protest with Vice President Ma’ruf Amin.

“I cannot accept this yet. good, if in the last few days I am personally Anwar Abbas, yes, I will send a letter of protest to the Vice President of the Republic of Indonesia, ”Anwar said.

Also Read: PT Pelni Fired Officials For Recitation, Dede Budhyarto’s Account Attacked

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