CEK 3 disbursed the Ministry of Social Assistance in May 2021 to Cekbansos.kemensos.go.id: BLT IDR 300000, BPNT, PKH

medialnews – The government, through the Ministry of Social Affairs (Kemensos), officially increases the allocation of social assistance in cash (Bansos) to IDR 300,000.

As for the allocation of social assistance in cash or BLT of Rp 300,000, it will last two months, namely May and June 2021.

Previously, the distribution of Rp.30000 BLT only lasted until April 2021.

Thus, there will be three aid from the Ministry of Social Affairs which will be disbursed in May 2021: BLT 300,000 IDR, PKH and BPNT.

Also read: Open Cekbansos.kemensos.go.id, Check Cash Bansos, beneficiary of IDR 300,000 in May 2021

Also read: Check for the beneficiary of Bansos in cash of Rp.300 thousand, immediately go to Cekbansos.kemensos.go.id

To check if you have one or more of these aids, it’s very simple.

You only need to access a number of sites from each department or distribution group.

Here is how to check the three helpers from the Ministry of Social Affairs that are wanted in May 2021, namely BLT 300 thousand IDR, BPNT and PKH.

1. BLT IDR 300 thousand

Viewing the Cekbansos.kemensos.go.id page for a check for recipients of BLT aid of IDR 300,000.
Viewing the Cekbansos.kemensos.go.id page for a check for recipients of BLT aid of IDR 300,000. (Cekbansos.kemensos.go.id)

It is known that the Ministry of Social Affairs has extended the BLT Rp.300 thousand with an additional quota for May-June 2021.

Currently, the Ministry of Social Affairs is preparing a process for distributing the aid and will soon be disseminated to beneficiary families (KPM).

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