Caketum Kadin Arsjad Rasjid pledged to restore health and economy

What I want to convey in the future program is to restore health and revive the economy

Palu (medialnews) – Indonesian Chamber of Commerce and Industry (Kadin) presidential candidate Arsjad Rasjid has pledged to prioritize health and economic recovery during the COVID-19 pandemic if elected to the head of the organization.

“What I want to convey in the future program is to restore health and revive the economy, so these are interdependent,” Arsjad Rasjid said in Palu on Wednesday evening.

He delivered a halal bihalal speech and linked it to the Kadin declaration from Central Sulawesi Province for Arsjad Rasjid to run for the CEO of the Indonesian Chamber of Commerce and Industry.

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Arsjad Rasjid also said that the Indonesian Chamber of Commerce and Industry in the future must be inclusive and collaborative. Inclusive, he said, Kadin must respect all entrepreneurs at regional and national levels.

Then, he says, there needs to be collaboration, namely that entrepreneurs who are members of Kadin in the regions and in the center must work with the government.

“This is the case between employers and workers, and between employers and other stakeholders,” he said.

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He said that the Indonesian Chamber of Commerce and Industry must provide dividends or added value to its shareholders, namely Kadin-Kadin in the regions, and the associations associated with it.

“The mentality must be clear, because Kadin Indonesia is strong due to the presence of Kadin in the regions. Therefore, Kadin cannot belong to a particular group, but must belong to all of us,” he said. declared.

Arsjad Rasjid also spoke about the four pillars of the program going forward, namely the first restoration of health by strengthening the health industry. According to him, without recovery of health, the economy will not grow.

Also Read: Kadin: Mutual Cooperation and Pranks Encourage Economic Recovery

Second, strengthen and improve national and regional economies. According to him, the national economy will grow if the regional economy is strong.

“So what we need to strengthen is the regional economy,” he said.

Third, entrepreneurship and competence, which is how the Indonesian Chamber of Commerce and Industry should be able to create young and new entrepreneurs, for economic improvement and improvement for the well-being of the community.

Fourth, he said, namely the internalization of the organization and the regulations. It is about improving the governance of organizational management.

“From this side, besides looking on the outside, Kadin must also look on the inside,” he said.

Read also: Caketum Kadin Anindya Bakrie visits Minister of Industry calling for industrialization

Journalist: Muhammad Hajiji
Editor: Agus Salim

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