Bukalapak helps Warteg build business resilience through digital literacy

Thousands of Kowantara member warteg owners have the opportunity to participate in online business empowerment programs and be part of Bukalapak’s seven million partners

Jakarta (medialnews) – E-commerce technology company Mitra Bukalapak is collaborating with the Warteg Nusantara (Kowantara) community to support the business resilience of warteg owners affected by the pandemic through the use of the Bukalapak digital platform.

“Since its inception, Mitra Bukalapak has been committed to continuing to empower MSME actors in Indonesia through access to technology, capital and infrastructure, which is one of the keys to continue to grow the business. to a higher level, ”said CEO of Buka Mitra Indonesia. Howard Gani, in a press release in Jakarta on Wednesday.

Howard explained that by increasing the digital literacy of small and medium-sized businesses, including warteg owners, who are the backbone of the country’s economy, his party hopes to contribute to the resilience of their business, while also contributing social impact and strengthening economic inclusion in Indonesia.

According to him, the social impact that Bukalapak Partners is trying to provoke is also reflected in the increase in transactions carried out by traders in Mitra Bukalapak, even in the midst of a pandemic.

Thanks to the collaboration between Mitra Bukalapak and Kowantara, he continued, thousands of warteg owners who are members of Kowantara have the opportunity to participate in online business empowerment programs and be among the seven million partners. of Bukalapak comprised of traditional stalls and individual agents throughout Indonesia.

President Kowantara Mukroni praised the collaboration between Bukalapak Partners and Kowantara as it could help Indonesian food sector MSME actors address the economic challenges in the midst of a pandemic.

“According to a survey conducted by the Asian Development Bank (ADB) in 2020, more than 20,000 warteg, or nearly 50% of the total 50,000 warteg in Indonesia, were forced to close their businesses due to the pandemic”, Mukroni said.

For this reason, he said, the collaboration with Bukalapak Partners is seen as a breath of fresh air for warteg owners, as they can gain knowledge about the opportunities offered by digital platforms to obtain main and additional income.

Meanwhile, Indonesian Association UMKM President Ikhsan Ingratubun said innovation steps for digitization are currently the obligation of MSME actors because during the pandemic offline transactions will be hampered.

“Even though it has its own specificity and its own market, as long as the pandemic is still going on, offline transactions will not be as easy as before,” he said.

According to him, the problem that exists is that many MSMEs in the regions often do not understand the issue of digitization, which is essential.

He said that various associations have also been diligent in carrying out trainings, but obviously cannot reach all of them. “Outside of government, if there is a private digital company that can help, it will definitely be better,” he said.

Also read: Bukalapak promotes digital literacy warteg
Read also: Kemenkop encourages digitization of warteg to be more productive
Also read: Warteg Nusantara community applies non-cash payments to avoid COVID-19

Reporter: Mr. Razi Rahman
Editor: Kelik Dewanto

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