Bogor Regency government discusses monument design competition in Simpang Sentul

will in fact become the “landmark” of Bogor Regency

Sentul, Bogor (medialnews) – The government of the Bogor Regency of West Java is planning to hold a competition to determine the design of the monument to Simpang Sentul, Bogor.

“Our plan is to compete. Currently, the concept of the competition is being planned. We want the best, ”Lestia Irmawati said on Tuesday in Cibinong, Bogor, secretary of the Housing, Settlement Area and Land Service of the regency of Bogor, Lestia Irmawati.

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He said the Pancakarsa monument would in fact become “landmark“(marker) Bogor Regency, which currently bears the slogan”Sport and tourism “. Even so, according to him, the traditional distinctive design will not be abandoned.

Construction of the monument, which is now only half completed, is an effort by the Bogor Regency government to organize the Cibinong Raya area as the face of the region.

The agreement includes improving the quality of roads in the Sentul Simpang area and building a pedestrian on Jalan Edi Yoso up to Pakansari Stadium, Cibinong, Bogor Regency.

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Meanwhile, Bogor Regent Ade Yasin said to facilitate this step, his party has convened a number of related agencies to finalize the concept. city ​​beautification project (CBP) or city beautification program.

Such as the Public Works and Land Use Planning Agency (DPUPR), the Regional Development Planning, Research and Development Agency (Bappedalitbang), the Housing, Residential Areas and Land Service ( DPKPP) and other agencies linked to this structuring program.

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“We have convened all the agencies concerned to finalize this concept. The goal is that a program with other existing programs in the office can be linked and complement each other. So they don’t walk independently, ”Ade said.

The plan is that the arrangement of Cibinong as the capital of Bogor Regency will start from Sentul Simpang to Jalan Raya Tegar Beriman. In fact, the arrangement will continue to the border between Bogor Regency and Depok City.

“For 2021, the government of Bogor Regency is providing a budget of around 300 billion rupees for the development of the capital of Bogor Regency, Cibinong. This is to focus on the development of pedestrians, from Simpang Sentul up to Jalan Tegar Beriman, “he said. .

Reporter: Mr. Fikri Setiawan
Editor: Ganet Dirgantara

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