Based on trial and error, how long has Japanese sword son Rita Sugiarto used Sabu-Sabu?

Rita Sugiarto’s son of the sword, Raffi Zimah, has admitted he has been using drugs for a long time. Photo: Firda Junita / medialnews

medialnews, JAKARTA – Rita Sugiarto’s son of the sword, Raffi Zimah, admits he has been using drugs for a long time.

Raffi was arrested by police on suspicion of methamphetamine abuse.

“It’s been a long time, about 2-3 years,” Raffi said at a press conference at the Narcotics Research Directorate building of the regional police in Metro Jaya, south of Jakarta, on Wednesday (19 / 5).

He admitted to being caught for illegal drugs because of his association.

“Initially I wanted to try it,” said the 27-year-old.

He also admitted that he regretted being caught in these illegal items.

Singer Syahdu’s son also apologized to his mother, Rita Sugiarto, and his father for his actions.

“I apologize to my parents, my family and the whole community. I am sorry and God willing I will not repeat it,” said Raffi Zimah.

As a result of his actions, Raffi Zimah was suspected under section 127, paragraph 1, of the Narcotics Act No. 35 of 2009 of the Republic of Indonesia, with the threat of four years’ imprisonment. (mcr7 / jpnn)

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