Bareskrim named Regent Nganjuk as suspect

In this case, the following suspects have been identified. NRH, the regent of Nganjuk who has been designated as the recipient of a gift or a promise

Jakarta (medialnews) – The Directorate of Corruption Crimes, Bareskrim Polri, has named seven suspects in the alleged corruption case related to the filling of posts of village officials and sub-district chiefs in the government of the Regency of Nganjuk, east of Java.

As recipients, namely Nganjuk Regent Novi Rahman Hidayat (NRH) and M Izza Muhtadin (MIM) as assistant to the Nganjuk Regent. Meanwhile, the bribers, namely Dupriono (DR) as head of Pace sub-district, Edie Srijato (ES) as head of Tanjunganom sub-district and interim head of Sukomoro sub-district, Haryanto (HR) as head of Berbek -District sub-district, Bambang Subagio (BS) as head of Loceret sub-district, and Tri Basuki Widodo (TBW) as former head of Sukomoro sub-district.

“In the case, the suspect was named as follows. NRH, the regent of Nganjuk who was accused of having received a gift or a promise,” said the director of corruption crimes in Bareskrim Polri, Brigadier General Djoko Poerwanto at a press conference at the KPK Building, Jakarta, Monday.

The investigators of the Directorate of Corruption Crimes, Bareskrim Polri, continued the investigation process to the stage of the investigation with the suspicion that Article 5, paragraph (1), letters a or b, Articles 11 and 12 B of Law No. 31 of 1999 concerning the eradication of corruption Crimes as amended and supplemented by Law No. 20 of 2001 in conjunction with Article 55, paragraph (1) 1 of the Criminal Code

Also read: Nganjuk Regent investigation continued by Bareskrim

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Djoko revealed that the evidence obtained in connection with the case, namely Rs 647,900,000 in cash from the Nganjuk Regent’s personal safe, eight cell phones and a Bank Jatim savings book in the name of Tri Basuki Widodo.

Earlier, he said, on Sunday (9/5) around 7:00 p.m. WIB, the joint team of the Corruption Crime Directorate, Bareskrim, the National Police and the KPK had obtained the Nganjuk Regent and several heads of sub- district in the ranks of Nganjuk Regency in the corruption case.

Regarding the modus operandi, he revealed that the Camat had given money to the regent of Nganjuk through the help of the regent regarding their transfer and the promotion of their posts and the staffing of posts at the sub-level. -districts in the ranks of the regency of Nganjuk. In addition, the assistant of the Nganjuk Regent handed over the money to the Nganjuk Regent.

“The investigation will be continued by investigators from the Corruption Crimes Directorate, Bareskrim Polri, with the support and cooperation of the KPK,” Djoko said.

Also Read: KPK Calls OTT Regent Nganjuk Result of Collaboration with Bareskrim Polri

Also read: KPK Arrests Nganjuk Regent, Allegedly in Office Auction

Journalist: Benardy Ferdiansyah
Editor: Chandra Hamdani Noor

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