Bangkalan shooting case was actually led by DPRD member: Okezone News

JAKARTA – The shooting case of an inhabitant of Sepulu, Bangkalan, Madura, East Java in March has met with great interest. The mastermind behind the shooting turned out to be a member of the Gerindra faction’s DPRD with the initials H.

From the data collected, the mastermind of the shooting was revealed after police managed to arrest both shooters in less than 1×24 hours.

However, upon investigation, police eventually discovered that a DPRD member with the initials H was the mastermind behind the shooting.

After two summons, suspect H eventually surrendered and was immediately investigated.

The suspects, including members of the Bangkalan DPRD, will be charged under Article 340 Jo 55 KUHP and Article 338 Jo 55 KUHP. Namely about the murder with the threat of 20 years in prison.

Until this news came to light, medialnews was still trying to contact authorities about the case.

Previously, a man from Bangkalan was the victim of a shooting attack by a stranger. The man was found dead.

According to the information gathered, the shooting took place in the early hours of Sunday around 01:00 WIB. The victim with the initials L, a resident of Sepulu, Bangkalan. The victim was found dead with a gunshot wound near the right armpit.


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