Bamus Betawi: Prohibition of grave pilgrimage for the common good: Okezone Megapolitan

JAKARTA – President of the Customary Council Betawi deliberative council (Bamus) H Nuri Taher said that the ban serious pilgrimage released by DKI Provincial Government of Jakarta on May 12-16, 2021 for the common good.

The reason is that DKI Jakarta is currently in a state of emergency for the Covid-19 pandemic.

“Indeed (the grave pilgrimage) is a tradition, but currently, the tradition is overcome by an emergency, it must be respected”, declared H Nuri Taher, Saturday (15/5/2021).

According to him, the policy of banning funeral pilgrimages during Eid al-Fitr 1442 Hijriyah is not a problem as the rule period is being implemented temporarily.

“It doesn’t matter (the ban on serious pilgrimages) that the evil is more the disease, we have to respect 3M (keep our distance, wash our hands, use masks),” he said.

Read also: Forced to enter the Tegal Alur cemetery, the pilgrims are dissolved by the police

DKI Jakarta Governor Anies Baswedan is known to have issued appeal number 5 of 2021 regarding holding Eid Al-Fitr 1442 Hijri regarding directions for Eid al-Fitr safe at home.

One of the contents of the appeal includes the elimination of the serious pilgrimage from May 12 to 16, 2021 and according to the agreement of the regional leaders of all Jabodetabek.

The temporary ban on funeral pilgrimages during this time is aimed at preventing further clusters of the spread of Covid-19.

Also read: From next Monday Anies Baswedan will allow residents to make a funeral pilgrimage


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