Bamsoet encourages investors to optimize the tourism potential of Karangsewu Jembrana beach

Indonesian People’s Consultative Assembly Speaker Bambang Soesatyo (Bamsoet) at Karangsewu Beach Jembrana, Sunday (5/16). Photo: PR of MPR RI

medialnews, JEMBRANA – Indonesian People’s Consultative Assembly Speaker Bambang Soesatyo (Bamsoet) urged investors who were granted the right to manage land in Karangsewu Beach area, West Bali National Park (TNBB) since 1997, to use it immediately to encourage the development of tourism in Bali.

So, Bamsoet said, the area that appeared to be sleeping could immediately provide an economic multiplier effect for residents of Jembrana Regency and residents of the western Bali region.

“If the investors are no longer able to manage, they will immediately return their management rights to the state. In order to find other private parties able to manage them properly and correctly,” Bamsoet said after visiting the beach of Karangsewu, Sunday (16/5). .

He said the beauty of Karangsewu Beach, combined with all of the Prapat Agung Hills, should not be left to death just because of mismanagement and mismanagement.

“It must be maximized as much as possible to improve the economy and the well-being of the community,” said Bamsoet accompanied by the regent of Jembrana I Nengah Tamba, and the head of the TNBB center, Agus Ngurah Krisna Kepakisan.

The former president of DPR RI explained that Karangsewu beach has its own uniqueness compared to other beaches in Bali. Apart from calm waves, the terrain on the beach is affected by the season.

During the dry season the landscape is dominated by a dry brown with a few green trees. During the rainy season, it turns into a green expanse resembling a football field.

Therefore, in developing these locations, investors must continue to focus on conservation and preservation of the environment.

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