Aurel is ill, Atta Halilintar is a 24 hour husband

medialnews – Artist who is also YouTuber Atta Halilintar celebrating Eid with his beloved wife, Aurel Hermansyah. This is Atta’s first Eid to celebrate Eid with his wife. Atta admitted that he was happy to be treated on the day of Eid al-Fitr.

“Glad this year’s Eid can still be healed,” said Atta Halilintar in Pondok Indah area, south of Jakarta, on Saturday (5/15/2021)

However, during this year’s Eid al-Fitr, the 26-year-old YouTuber can’t go anywhere. The reason is that Atta has to take care of Aurel Hermansyah, who is ill due to bleeding.

“Yes, my wife is no longer healthy, sick, which forces her to lie down totally, so she cannot stand up. Previously, I have also been invited to go where I could not. not because I have to go from morning to night to accompany my wife, ”he said.

1. Aurel doesn’t want to be left behind

As a husband, Atta has to accompany his wife for 24 hours. Moreover, since Aurel was ill, he did not want to be far from his beloved husband.

“So my husband is on standby 24 hours a day. My wife doesn’t want to be left at all, I shoot right outside the house and call immediately. The sport is immediately called ‘Dear …’. I have to be. ready and it’s really easy to go to the bathroom because she can’t get up so I have to bring her in a wheelchair, ”said Atta.

2. Don’t take a job

Not only that, to take care of his wife, Atta Halilintar also does not want to take a job for the next few weeks. “I asked him to pray that my wife will be healthy again. And so far I have not been able to work outside. Until a few weeks in a month he will be bedridden,” did he declare.

For the sake of his beloved wife, Atta admitted that he was not getting enough sleep. “It’s (lack of sleep), because at night he ‘honey come over here and take this anterine’. Wow, it’s so funny I can say I can do this for several days, tomorrow I change quarter, for example, of which I am day and night, “no. whatever you want, “Atta closed.

This one does not lose heat !!!

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