‘Attack’ Hotma Sitompul, Rosmawaty denies joining Desiree Tarigan camp: Okezone celebrity

JAKARTA – Rosmawaty Ginting’s decision reveals marital status with lawyer Hotma Sitompul raises a lot of speculation. On the one hand, he allied with Desiree Tarigan to attack the lawyer.

To the media team, Rosmawaty personally admitted to knowing Desiree Tarigan. “It’s hypocritical to say you don’t know,” he said at a press conference in Jakarta on May 28, 2021.

Rosmawaty, the woman who claims to be Hotma Sitompul's first wife.

However, he denied the opinion that his appearance was linked to the feud between Hotma Sitompul and Desiree Tarigan. “It has nothing to do with their problems. Who said that? ” he said.

The woman even firmly stated that she had not meddled in her ex-husband’s domestic conflict with Desiree Tarigan. “Not (involved), and I don’t want to be involved in their business,” he said.

Rosmawaty Ginting claimed to have married Hotma Sitompul in 1975. From this marriage they were fortunate enough to have a child until they separated in 1976 due to differences of faith. *

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