At the age of 28, Ciputra Mall, Jakarta, continues to pamper its loyal visitors

INDONESIAMAGZ – Entering Mal Ciputra Jakarta’s 28-year journey, Jakarta continues to offer the best to its loyal visitors by carrying the slogan The World of All Choices.

Ciputra Mall Jakarta 28th Anniversary Celebration

In the midst of a pandemic like this, Ciputra Mall Jakarta also regularly features iconic and different shopping programs to pamper its loyal visitors with the latest innovative features of the CL Club app which runs from February 17 to 28, 2021.

Some of the programs featured include the LUCKY DIP, EPIC HOUR HOT DEALS and EXTRA 28 POINT purchase program with prizes as a thank you to CLUB members who have been steadfast together for 28 years.

“Warm greetings to loyal visitors and members of CL Club Ciputra Mall Jakarta. In the 28th year on line with new resolutions, new adaptations and also the maintenance of better health. We also present various interesting programs. visitors will be able to shop safely and comfortably while taking advantage of the attractive programs on offer, ”said Ferry Irianto, general manager of Ciputra Mall Jakarta, in a statement received on Friday (26/2/2021).

LUCKY DIP, a shopping program with prizes for customers who buy at least Rp. 280,000, – in the period from February 17 to 28, 2021, the opportunity to get a prize in the form of vouchers for Mal Ciputra Jakarta tenants sent to the CL Club customer application, other prices in the form of attractive goods.

EPIC HOUR HOT DEALS, one of the latest innovations in EPIC HOURS HOT DEALS payment gateway especially for CL Club Gold and Black members, the ability to purchase hundreds of vouchers worth @ Rp. 100,000, – only Rp. 50,000, – plus 2 CL Club points to be redeemed in the CL Club app. EXTRA 28 POINT, especially for customers who buy at least Rp. 280,000, – on February 26, 2021 you will automatically get 28 ADDITIONAL points.

Ciputra Mall Jakarta 28th Anniversary Celebration

Also, as a form of good initiative in the midst of the Covid-19 pandemic, Mal Ciputra Jakarta organized a #MCJBERBAGI social program for 28 orphanages / nursing homes / social foundations / animal rescue shelters to help the purchase of basic necessities, daily necessities and medical supplies.

#MCJBERBAGI social program at 28 orphanages / nursing homes / social foundations / animal shelters
#MCJBERBAGI social program at 28 orphanages / nursing homes / social foundations / animal shelters

<< During the week, we take turns sending a team to distribute basic necessities and basic necessities as well as health materials to 28 orphanages / nursing homes / social foundations / rescue shelters for animals that are spread across multiple locations in West Jakarta, Central Jakarta, South Jakarta, East Jakarta and Tangerang region, said Ferry Irianto, general manager of Ciputra Mall Jakarta.

“We hope that the #MCJBERBAGI program can make a positive contribution to orphanages or foundations and related parties, especially during this pandemic. The older the Ciputra Mall Jakarta, the more kindness it brings and has a positive impact on its loyal visitors and the surrounding community, Ferry continued. An important message that needs to be conveyed, always use a mask, wash your hands (hand sanitizer) and keep your distance so that the chain of Covid-19 paste is broken.



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